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dc.contributor.authorKing, CG
dc.contributor.authorHorsley, SAR
dc.contributor.authorPhilbin, TG
dc.description.abstractGraded index media whose electric susceptibility satisfies the spatial Kramers-Kronig relations are known to be one-way reflectionless to electromagnetic radiation, for all angles of incidence. We demonstrate how a family of these media, in addition to being reflectionless, also have negligible transmission. To this end, we discuss how the transmission coefficient for the propagation of waves through a medium whose permittivity is built from poles in the complex position plane, with residues that sum to infinity, can be controlled by tuning the positions and residues of the poles. In particular, we have shown how to make the transmission arbitrarily small, and hence maximise the absorption of the wave’s energy. This behaviour is confirmed by numerical simulations.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipCGK acknowledges financial support from the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Electromagnetic Metamaterials EP/L015331/1. SARH acknowledges financial support from EPSRC program grant EP/I034548/1, the Royal Society and TATA. TGP acknowledges financial support from EPSRC program grant EP/I034548/1.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationPublished online 6 June 2017en_GB
dc.publisherSpringer Verlagen_GB
dc.rights.embargoreasonPublisher policyen_GB
dc.rightsThis Accepted Manuscript is: © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd During the embargo period (the 12 month period from the publication of the Version of Record of this article), the Accepted Manuscript is fully protected by copyright and cannot be reused or reposted elsewhere. As the Version of Record of this article is going to be / has been published on a subscription basis, this Accepted Manuscript is available for reuse under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 licence after the 12 month embargo period. After the embargo period, everyone is permitted to copy and redistribute this article for non-commercial purposes only, provided that they adhere to all the terms of the licence Although reasonable endeavours have been taken to obtain all necessary permissions from third parties to include their copyrighted content within this article, their full citation and copyright line may not be present in this Accepted Manuscript version. Before using any content from this article, please refer to the Version of Record on IOPscience once published for full citation and copyright details, as permission will likely be required. All third party content is fully copyright protected, unless specifically stated otherwise in the figure caption in the Version of Record. When available, you can view the Version of Record for this article at:
dc.titleZero reflection and transmission in graded index mediaen_GB
dc.descriptionThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.en_GB
dc.identifier.journalJournal of Opticsen_GB

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