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dc.contributor.authorWan, KY
dc.contributor.authorGoldstein, RE
dc.description.abstractThe eukaryotic flagellum beats with apparently unfailing periodicity, yet responds rapidly to stimuli. Like the human heartbeat, flagellar oscillations are now known to be noisy. Using the alga C. reinhardtii, we explore three aspects of nonuniform flagellar beating. We report the existence of rhythmicity, waveform noise peaking at transitions between power and recovery strokes, and fluctuations of interbeat intervals that are correlated and even recurrent, with memory extending to hundreds of beats. These features are altered qualitatively by physiological perturbations. Further, we quantify the recovery of periodic breaststroke beating from transient hydrodynamic forcing. These results will help constrain microscopic theories on the origins and regulation of flagellar beating.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipFinancial support is acknowledged from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, European Research Council Advanced Investigator Grant No. 247333, and a Senior Investigator Award from the Wellcome Trust.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 113, article 238103en_GB
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Societyen_GB
dc.rightsThis article is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License: Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.en_GB
dc.titleRhythmicity, Recurrence, and Recovery of Flagellar Beatingen_GB
dc.descriptionThis is the final version of the article. Available from American Physical Society via the DOI in this recorden_GB
dc.identifier.journalPhysical Review Lettersen_GB

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