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dc.contributor.authorThuburn, John
dc.contributor.authorCotter, C.J.
dc.description.abstractAccurate simulation of atmospheric flow in weather and climate prediction models requires the discretization of the governing equations to have a number of desirable properties. Although these properties can be achieved relatively straightforwardly on a latitude-longitude grid, they are much more challenging on the various quasi-uniform spherical grids that are now under consideration. A recently developed scheme—called TRiSK—has these desirable properties on grids that have an orthogonal dual. The present work extends the TRiSK scheme into a more general framework suitable for grids that have a nonorthogonal dual, such as the equiangular cubed sphere. We also show that this framework fits within the wider framework of mimetic discretizations and discrete exterior calculus. One key ingredient is the definition of certain mapping operators that are discrete analogues of the Hodge star operator, enabling the definition of a compatible inner product. Discrete Coriolis terms are also included within the mimetic framework, and in such a way as to conserve energy and ensure that discrete geostrophic balance can be maintained; this requires the definition of a further mapping operator, with special properties, that transfers the discrete velocity field from the primal to the dual grid.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 34 (3), pp. B203 - B225en_GB
dc.publisherSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematicsen_GB
dc.subjectCoriolis termen_GB
dc.subjectdiscrete exterior calculusen_GB
dc.subjectgeostrophic balanceen_GB
dc.subjectHodge staren_GB
dc.subjectnonorthogonal meshen_GB
dc.titleA framework for mimetic discretization of the rotating shallow-water equations on arbitrary polygonal gridsen_GB
dc.descriptionCopyright © 2012 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematicsen_GB
dc.identifier.journalSIAM Journal on Scientific Computingen_GB

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