Now showing items 49-68 of 362

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    22 December 2017Communist laughter, from Lenin to Lubitsch  Steven, M
    1 June 2018Community and apostrophe in E. L. Doctorow  Steven, MA
    29 March 2022Constructed Masculinities: Unpicking Working-Class Masculinities through Knitting  Fountain, D
    1 September 2004Convex and concave: conceptual boundaries in psychology, now and then (but mainly then).  Rylance, Rick
    12 June 2008The cooking animal: Economic Man at the Great Exhibition.  Young, Paul K. F.
    18 May 2022Cotton Famine Poetry: Technology, Trade, and Transatlantic Discourse  Rennie, S
    1 December 2010Creating Animal Experience in Late Eighteenth-Century Narrative  Spencer, Jane
    1 October 2005Cultural philanthropy, gypsies, and interdisciplinary scholars: dream of a common language  Gagnier, Regenia
    14 March 2018D. H. Lawrence and Post-Natal Depression  Martin, K
    19 October 2010Darwin and Reductionisms: Victorian, Neo-Darwinian and Postgenomic Biologies  Richardson, Angelique
    1 May 2017The decadence of the West in Huysmans and Houellebecq: Decadence in the Longue Durée  Gagnier, RA
    21 December 2019Decadence on the Silent Screen: Stannard, Coward, Hitchcock, and Wilde  Hext, K
    31 January 2018Decolonizing American: Native Americans in Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon  Freer, JE
    30 December 2020Depressing time: waiting, melancholia, and the psychoanalytic practice of care  Salisbury, L; Baraitser, L
    31 August 2018Diasporic and Transnational Writing 1950-present  McWilliams, EM
    13 February 2020Dickensian stuffing  Carver, B
    24 October 2018Dickens’s Global Circulation  Gagnier, RA
    13 April 2013Digital humanities and crowdsourcing: an exploration  Carletti, L; Giannachi, G; Price, D; et al.
    31 January 2021Digital Opportunities for Feminist Film Historiography: Insights from the Reframing Vivien Leigh Project  Smithstead, L
    14 August 2020Digital Theatre Transformation: A Case Study and Digital Toolkit  Aebischer, P; Nicholas, R