Now showing items 90-109 of 362

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    13 June 2023Enactment or exploration: Two roles for philosophy in the novel of ideas  Nordberg, D
    1 June 2019The End of a Story, The End of Empire: The Case of Cameron Duodu’s “Tough Guy in Town”  Campbell, CC
    27 July 2017The English Village in Emma: An Empirical Study of Heritage Dramas, Location Filming and Host Communities  Brydon, L; Stead, LR
    1 October 2018Enter Mercury, Sleeping: Delivering Prayers on the Early Modern Stage  Preedy, CK
    25 March 2020Erika Mann, the BBC German Service, and Foreign-Language Broadcasting during WWII  Plock, VM
    28 June 2019Ernest Charles Jones (1819-69) - A Life of Adjacency  Rennie, S
    1 March 2010'Every Night, The Same Routine': Recurring Nightmares and the Repetition Compulsion in Gothic Fiction  Crawford, J
    31 July 2018Exchanges in Nairobi and Lagos: Mapping Literary Networks and World Literary Space  Wallis, K
    5 December 2013Exeter Time Trails  Giannachi, G; Barrett, W; Lawrence, R; et al.
    1 February 2006Exposing globalisation: Biopolitics in the work of critical art ensemble  Giannachi, G
    14 September 2016Face Value: The Rhetoric of Facial Disfigurement in American Film and Popular Culture, 1917-27  Kember, J
    23 January 2018Fallen idols, broken noses: Defacement and memory after the Reformation  Schwyzer, PA
    27 September 2018Feminist Encounters with the Medical Humanities  Funke, J; Foster, SL
    27 June 2016‘Fishing after News’ and the Ars Apodemica: The Intelligencing Role of the Educational Traveller in the Late Sixteenth Century  Williamson, E
    1 June 2018Folk like us: Emotional movement from the screen and the platform in British life model lantern slide sets, 1880-1910  Kember, J; Crangle, R
    1 July 2016The Folly of the Machiavel: Christopher Marlowe's Mortimer and the Guise  Paleit, Edward
    1 February 2019The Form of Prayer and the Spirit of Prayer: George Herbert and John Bunyan in Conversation  Parry, D
    1 January 2015Fortune’s Breath: Rewriting the Classical Storm in the Drama of Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare  Preedy, CK
    30 October 2015Friedrich Kittler, Charles Olson, and the Return of Postwar Philology  Foley, A
    7 July 2021From barbarism to decadence without the intervening civilization: or, living in the aftermath of anticipated futures  Gagnier, R