Now showing items 1-16 of 16

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    21 February 2006Asymptotic methods and functional central limit theorems  Davidson, James
    13 July 2013Cointegration and error correction  Davidson, James
    1 August 2014Consistent testing of functional form in time series models  Halunga, Andreea G.; Davidson, James
    27 February 2024COVID-19 and mental health: natural experiments of the costs of lockdowns  Quintana-Domeque, C; Zeng, J
    2025Gender and (Inaccurate) Beliefs  Erkal, N; Koh, BH
    22 January 2021An Introduction to Bootstrap Theory in Time Series Econometrics  Cavaliere, G; Rahbek, A; Bohn Nielsen, H
    31 January 2022La coscienza in Sulla natura umana  Ianulardo, G; Stella, A
    30 April 2015"Looking forward by looking back": a self/other perspective on intercultural expatriate research  Guttormsen, David S.A.
    30 April 2020The natural capital approach to integrating science, economics and policy into decisions affecting the natural environment  Bateman, IJ; Binner, A; Day, B; et al.
    1 November 2023Prevention and detection of plagiarism in higher education: Paper mills, online assessments and AI  Cortinhas, C; Deak, S
    1 April 2013Social unrest in the wake of IMF Structural Adjustment Programs  Stroup, Caleb; Zissimos, Ben
    2005Testing for fractional cointegration: the relationship between government popularity and economic performance in the UK  Davidson, James
    14 November 2023Theoretical and ethical reductionism and the neglect of subjectivity in economics and economic education  Ianulardo, G; Stella, A
    7 June 2022Uncovering the Dialogical Dimension of Corporate Responsibility: Towards a Transcendental Approach to Economics, with an Application to the Circular Economy  Ianulardo, G; Stella, A; De Angelis, R
    12 September 2019United Kingdom: Paying for Ecosystem Services in the Public and Private Sectors  Bateman, IJ; Binner, A; Day, B; et al.
    2008When is a time series I(0)?  Davidson, James