Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    17 October 2017Behaviorally informed policies for household financial decisionmaking  Madrian, BC; Hershfield, HE; Sussman, AB; et al.
    28 May 2023Corrigendum to “The regional economic impact of wildfires: Evidence from Southern Europe” [Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 118 (2023) 102787]  Meier, S; Elliott, RJR; Strobl, E
    12 December 2022Cross-country risk quantification of extreme wildfires in Mediterranean Europe  Meier, S; Strobl, E; Elliott, RJR; et al.
    21 January 2023The regional economic impact of wildfires: Evidence from Southern Europe  Meier, S; Elliott, RJR; Strobl, E
    14 August 2024State of Wildfires 2023–2024  Jones, MW; Kelley, DI; Burton, CA; et al.