Now showing items 1-20 of 1023

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    25 June 2021Abusive supervision: A systematic review and fundamental rethink  Fischer, T; Tian, AW; Lee, A; et al.
    2 May 2018Accessing diverse knowledge for problem solving in the MNC: A network mobilization perspective  Parker, A; Tippmann, E; Kratochvil, R
    6 May 2016Accidental activists: headhunters as marginal diversity actors in institutional change towards more women on boards  Doldor, E; Sealy, R; Vinnicombe, S
    1 April 2004Accountability and rural development partnerships: a study of Objective 5b EAGGF funding in South West England  Whittaker, Julie; Warren, Martyn; Turner, Martin; et al.
    26 May 2017Accountability for social impact: A bricolage perspective on impact measurement in social enterprises  Molecke, G; Pinkse, J
    1 March 2024Actioning sustainability through tourism entrepreneurship: Women entrepreneurs as change agents navigating through the field of stakeholders  Karatas-Ozkan, M; Tunalioglu, R; Ibrahim, S; et al.
    7 November 2020Active ageing and living condition of older persons across Italian regions  Quattrociocchi, L; Tibaldi, M; Marsili, M; et al.
    11 January 2016Adaptation of supply management towards a hybrid culture: the case of a Japanese automaker  Jia, Fu; Gao, Ruihong; Lamming, Richard; et al.
    9 June 2017Addressing socio-economic and ethical considerations in biotechnology governance: the potential of a new politics of care  Wickson, F; Preston, CJ; Binimelis, R; et al.
    18 December 2015The adoption of new prescription drugs is strongly associated with prior category prescribing rate  Stern, Philip; Wright, Malcolm
    18 December 2015The adoption of new prescription drugs is strongly associated with prior category prescribing rate  Stern, Philip; Wright, Malcolm
    1 July 2007Advanced demand and a critical analysis of revenue management  Ng, Irene C. L.
    21 November 2001Advanced sale of service capacities: a theoretical analysis of the impact of price sensitivity on pricing and capacity allocations  Lee, Khai S.; Ng, Irene C. L.
    31 July 2020Affective Politics and Technology Buy-in: A Framework of Social, Political and Fantasmatic Logics  Pignot, E; Nicolini, D; Thompson, M
    9 December 2021Affects in Online Stakeholder Engagement: A Dissensus Perspective  Castelló, I; Lopez-Berzosa, D
    1 April 2009African leadership: surfacing new understandings through leadership development  Bolden, Richard; Kirk, Philip
    1 July 2017Against the tide of depoliticisation: The politics of research governance  Hartley, S; Pearce, W; Taylor, A
    17 September 2023Age-Related Differences in Moral Judgment: The Role of Probability Judgments  Margoni, F; Geipel, J; Hadjichristidis, C; et al.
    1 July 2013Analysing trade-offs in container loading: Combining load plan construction heuristics with agent-based simulation  Mustafee, Navonil; Bischoff, Eberhard E.
    1 October 2005Analysis and optimization of inventory variance and bullwhip in a manufacturing/remanufacturing system  Zhou, L; Xu, SJ; Disney, SM