Now showing items 39-58 of 571

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 June 2014Benchmarking and developing numerical Finite Element models of volcanic deformation  Hickey, J; Gottsmann, J
    16 June 2015The Benefits of Laser Scanning & 3D Modelling in Accident Investigation: In a Mining Context  Foster, P.J.; Jobling-Purser, J; Coggan, John; et al.
    3 December 2019Benthic foraminifera indicate Glacial North Pacific Intermediate Water and reduced primary productivity over Bowers Ridge, Bering Sea, since the Mid-Brunhes Transition  Kender, S; Aturamu, A; Zalasiewicz, J; et al.
    18 April 2021Benthic foraminiferal turnover across the Dan-C2 event in the eastern South Atlantic Ocean (ODP Site 1262)  Arreguín-Rodríguez, GJ; Barnet, JSK; Leng, MJ; et al.
    20 September 2020Bioleaching to reprocess sulfidic polymetallic primary mining residues: Determination of metal leaching mechanisms  Hubau, A; Guezennec, A-G; Joulian, C; et al.
    29 January 2022Bismuth: economic geology and value chains  Deady, E; Moon, C; Moore, K; et al.
    10 March 2021A Block Aggregation Method for Short-Term Planning of Open Pit Mining with Multiple Processing Destinations  Salman, S; Muhammad, K; Khan, A; et al.
    3 August 2015The Bottaccione section at Gubbio, central Italy: a classical Paleocene Tethyan setting revisited  Galeotti, S; Moretti, M; Cappelli, C; et al.
    9 June 2017The breakdown of static and evolutionary allometries during climatic upheaval  Brombacher, A; Wilson, PA; Bailey, I; et al.
    23 August 2019Bringing Lunar LiDAR Back Down to Earth: Mapping Our Industrial Heritage through Deep Transfer Learning  Gallwey, J; Eyre, M; Tonkins, M; et al.
    1 March 2020Building rugged equipment for use in caves  Gibson, A
    14 October 2013The campsite dykes: A window into the early post-solidification history of the Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland  Holness, MB; Richardson, C; Andersen, JCO
    28 May 2015Capturing energy from ventilation air methane a preliminary design for a new approach  Cluff, DL; Kennedy, GA; Bennett, JG; et al.
    19 February 2020Carbon and oxygen isotope records from the southern Eurasian Seaway following the Triassic-Jurassic boundary: parallel long-term enhanced carbon burial and seawater warming  Hesselbo, S; Korte, C; Ullmann, C; et al.
    16 January 2017Carbon sequestration in an expanding lake system during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event  Xu, W; Ruhl, MR; Jenkyns, HC; et al.
    7 February 2018Carbon stable isotope record in the coral species Siderastrea stellata: A link to the Suess Effect in the tropical South Atlantic Ocean  Pereira, NS; Sial, AN; Kilbourne, KH; et al.
    23 August 2021Carbonatites and Alkaline Igneous Rocks in Post-Collisional Settings: Storehouses of Rare Earth Elements  Goodenough, KM; Deady, EA; Beard, CD; et al.
    9 December 2014A case study integrating remote sensing and distinct element analysis to quarry slope stability assessment in the Monte Altissimo area, Italy  Francioni, M; Salvini, R; Stead, D; et al.
    1 January 2000The cassiterite-anatase-ilmenite-monazite-sulphide-chlorite assemblage of North Tincroft Lode  LeBoutillier, N.G.; Shail, RK; Jewson, C.
    16 December 2021Celtic Sea - Installation of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines  Crowle, A; Thies, PR