Now showing items 452-471 of 1818

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    7 October 2019Editorial: Epicentres of change  Finn, M
    30 March 2015Editorial: Quaternary revolutions  Charman, DJ; Duller, GAT; Long, AJ; et al.
    8 October 2021Editorial: Visualising climate change  Finn, M
    8 July 2021The educational value of virtual ecologies in Red Dead Redemption 2  Crowley, EJ; Silk, MJ; Crowley, SL
    19 January 2021Effect of "finite pool of worry" and COVID-19 on UK climate change perceptions  Evensen, D; Whitmarsh, L; Bartie, P; et al.
    20 August 2018The Effect of Atmospheric Acid Processing on the Global Deposition of Bioavailable Phosphorus From Dust  Herbert, RJ; Krom, MD; Carslaw, KS; et al.
    31 July 2020Effect of auctions on RES value chains  del Rio, P; Kiefer, C; Menzies, C; et al.
    21 May 2015The effect of drainage ditches on vegetation diversity and CO2 fluxes in a Molinia caerulea dominated peatland  Gatis, Naomi; Luscombe, David J.; Grand-Clement, Emilie; et al.
    16 June 2017The effect of drought on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) release from peatland soil and vegetation sources  Ritson, JP; Brazier, RE; Graham, NJD; et al.
    21 April 2021Effect of Reduced Anthropogenic Activities on Water Quality in Lake Vembanad, India  Kulk, G; George, G; Abdulaziz, A; et al.
    15 January 2016The effect of widespread early aerobic marine ecosystems on methane cycling and the Great Oxidation  Daines, SJ; Lenton, TM
    9 June 2015The effectiveness of policy on consumer choices for private road passenger transport emissions reductions in six major economies  Mercure, JF; Lam, A
    1 September 2018The Effects of Carbon Dioxide Removal on the Carbon Cycle  Keller, DP; Lenton, A; Littleton, EW; et al.
    29 June 2018The effects of marine eukaryote evolution on phosphorus, carbon and oxygen cycling across the Proterozoic–Phanerozoic transition  Lenton, TM; Daines, S
    12 December 2015Effects of permafrost aggradation on peat properties as determined from a pan-arctic synthesis of plant macrofossils  Treat, CC; Jones, MC; Camill, P; et al.
    1 February 2006The effects of public funding on farmers' attitudes to diversification  Turner, Martin; Whitehead, Ian; Millard, Nick; et al.
    10 July 2020Effects of temperature and pH on archaeal membrane lipid distributions in freshwater wetlands  Blewett, J; Naafs, BDA; Gallego-Sala, AV; et al.
    23 February 2007Eficiência no uso dos nutrientes por espécies pioneiras crescidas em pastagens degradadas na Amazônia central  Silva, CEM; Gonçalves, JFDC; Feldpausch, T.R.; et al.
    22 September 2017El estudiante y la frontera: una aproximación a los imaginarios geográficos en el Norte de Chile  Rodríguez, A; Freeman, C
    10 June 2020El Niño Driven Changes in Global Fire 2015/16  Burton, C; Betts, RA; Jones, CD; et al.