Now showing items 11-15 of 464

    • Aartsbisschop Anastasios van Albanië: voorbeeld van vrede 

      Veskoukis, C (Platform Oosters Christendom, 8 April 2024)
      In het leven van Anastasios Yannoulatos, de huidige aartsbisschop van de Albanees Orthodoxe Kerk, staat het idee van ‘Liturgie na de liturgie’, het uitdragen van het geloof in de praktijk van het dagelijks leven, centraal. ...
    • Creation beyond Nothing and Now: eschatological reflections in the climate emergency 

      Southgate, C (Springer, 19 March 2024)
      After acknowledging Wim Drees’s excellent contribution to the science-religion debate, this essay considers three ‘beyonds’ unhelpful to a response to the climate emergency. These are ‘beyond as sudden destruction’, ...
    • On Limited Force: Prudence Below the Threshold of War 

      Reed, ED (SAGE Publications, 5 June 2024)
      This essay asks how military ethics should respond to adversaries deliberately conducting hostilities below the threshold of war, that is, whether to respond: (a) below the threshold of war with the novel limited force ...
    • Athenaeus of Attaleia on the Elements of Medicine 

      Leith, D (De Gruyter, 11 March 2024)
      Athenaeus of Attaleia (fl. mid-first century BC) offers a fascinating example of the interest among Graeco-Roman physicians in marking out the boundaries between medicine and philosophy. As founder of the so-called Pneumatist ...
    • 'Freedom is the sure possession...': modern receptions of Pericles' funeral oration 

      Morley, N (Cambridge University Press, 11 January 2024)
      Pericles’ funeral oration has played a significant public role, especially in Anglophone countries, over the last century. Renaissance humanists had valued it simply as a masterful piece of oratory, to be studied for its ...