Now showing items 1-20 of 23

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    17 January 2022Adoption and continued use of mobile contact tracing technology: multilevel explanations from a three-wave panel survey and linked data  Horvath, L; Banducci, S; Blamire, J; et al.
    28 October 2023Citizens' acceptance of artificial intelligence in public services: Evidence from a conjoint experiment about processing permit applications  Horvath, L; James, O; Banducci, S; et al.
    9 November 2015Citizens' Blame of Politicians for Public Service Failure: Experimental Evidence about Blame Reduction through Delegation and Contracting  James, O; Jilke, S; Petersen, C; et al.
    2 September 2020Citizens’ Attitudes to Contact Tracing Apps  Horvath, L; Banducci, S; James, O
    19 September 2019Citizens’ Motivated Reasoning About Public Performance: Experimental Findings from the US and Denmark  Baekgaard, M; Serritzlew, S; James, O; et al.
    21 May 2024A cross‐cultural replication of “citizens' blame of politicians for public service failure: Experimental evidence about blame reduction through delegation and contracting”  Walker, RM; James, O; Moon, MJ; et al.
    1 October 2009Democracy and government performance: holding incumbents accountable in English local governments  Boyne, G; James, O; John, P; et al.
    20 March 2014Does performance information about public services affect citizens' perceptions, satisfaction, and voice behaviour? Field experiments with absolute and relative performance information  James, O; Moseley, A
    16 June 2023Does Work Quality Differ between the Public and Private Sectors? Evidence from Two Online Field Experiments  Andersen, SC; Bruntse, M; James, O; et al.
    17 January 2018The effects of social information on volunteering: a field experiment  Moseley, A; James, O; John, P; et al.
    2 July 2018How best to open up local democracy? A randomised experiment to encourage contested elections and greater representativeness in English parish councils  Ryan, M; Stoker, G; John, P; et al.
    22 October 2018The impact of peer, politician and celebrity endorsements on volunteering: a field experiment with English students  John, P; James, O; Moseley, A; et al.
    9 April 2015Incredibly Good Performance: An Experimental Study of Source and Level Effects on the Credibility of Government  James, O; Van Ryzin, GG
    6 March 2024Interventions to reduce bureaucratic discrimination: a systematic review of empirical behavioural research  Thomann, E; James, O; Deruelle, T
    5 May 2016JPART Virtual Issue on Citizen-State Interactions in Public Administration Research  Jakobsen, M; James, O; Moynihan, D; et al.
    22 April 2020Marketisation Reforms and Coproduction: Does Ownership of Service Delivery Structures and Customer Language Matter?  James, O; Jilke, S
    23 September 2016Motivated reasoning about public performance: An experimental study of how citizens judge the affordable care act  James, O; Van Ryzin, GG
    28 February 2014New leaders' managerial background and the performance of public organizations: The theory of publicness fit  Petrovsky, N; James, O; Boyne, GA
    21 February 2012Party control, party competition and public service performance  James, O; Boyne, G; John, P; et al.
    20 February 2015The Politics of Agency Death: Ministers and the Survival of Government Agencies in a Parliamentary System  James, O; Petrovsky, N; Moseley, A; et al.