Now showing items 1-20 of 49

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 July 2009Analysis of socio-economic aspects of local and national organic farming markets  Lobley, M; Butler, A; Courtney, P; et al.
    1 November 2017Biomedical Knowledge Production in the Age of Big Data  Leonelli, S
    11 October 2022Covid-19 and the UK food system: Learning lessons and building back better  Guilbert, S; Winter, D; Lobley, M; et al.
    1 December 2021A decision-support tool to guide strategic tourism management: Mapping and modelling tourism pressure and opportunities for sustainable tourism in four UNESCO Biosphere Reserves  Wilkinson, T; Petersen, C; Bell, A; et al.
    30 April 2022Economic assessment of the mental health and wellbeing benefits of walking on the South West Coast Path: methodology and scoping study  Petersen, C
    1 December 2016An Evaluation of the Integrative Pharmacology Fund: Lessons for the future of in vivo education & training  Lowe, JWE; Collis, M; Davies, G; et al.
    25 May 2023Evaluation of the WHO community engagement research initiative. Developed to embed community engagement approaches as a critical means of mitigating social impact during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond  Durie, R; Wyatt, K
    5 May 2023Examining Women’s Experiences on the Campaign Trail: Campaign Ethnographies in English Local Elections 2022 & a Parliamentary By-Election. A Pilot Study for TWICEASGOOD  Banducci, S; Ablett, L
    26 July 2023Examining Women’s Experiences on the Campaign Trail: Campaign Ethnographies in the 2023 Dutch Provincial Elections. A Pilot Study for TWICEASGOOD  Van Zijl, J
    2018Exeter Anthrozoology as Symbiotic Ethics (EASE) working group's written evidence to the UK government's Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) commons select committee - pre-legislative scrutiny on the UK's Animal Welfare (Sentencing and Recognition of Sentience) Bill (draft dated 12 December 2017)  Hurn, S; Rice, T; Badman-King, A; et al.
    30 November 2021The Future of Tourism in Northern Devon: workshop conducted on the Bio-Cultural Heritage Tourism project  Wilkinson, TJ
    19 March 2018Giving Sisyphus a helping hand : pathways for sustainable RIA systems in developing countries  Ladegaard, P; Lundqvist, P; Kamkhaji, JC
    1 April 2019Global Power Shifts, Rational Choice and Role Conflict: Explaining the Trajectories of the Central Maghreb Countries’ EU Policies since 2011  Fernandez-Molina, I
    18 October 2022Hirnorganoide – Modellsysteme des menschlichen Gehirns  Binder, E; Brüstle, O; Götz, M; et al.
    29 April 2022The illicit financialisation of Russian foreign policy  Owen, C; Prelec, T; Mayne, T
    17 January 2018Implementing Open Science: Strategies, Experiences and Models  Leonelli, S
    4 December 2017Incentives and Rewards to Engage in Open Science Activities  Leonelli, S
    30 June 2016Is there a future for the small family farm? A report to The Prince’s Countryside Fund  Winter, M; Lobley, MN
    1 November 2014Local Authority Officers and the Primary Authority Scheme: Survey Report  Dunlop, Claire A.; Jonathan C.; Radaelli, Claudio M.
    13 December 2022Looking before we leap: Expanding ethical review processes for AI and data science research  Petermann, M; Tempini, N; Kherroubi Garcia, I; et al.