Now showing items 1-13 of 13

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 September 2015Combining scaffolding for content and scaffolding for dialogue to support conceptual break throughs in understanding probability  Kazak, Sibel; Wegerif, Rupert; Fujita, Taro
    2010Developing responsible leadership through a 'pedagogy of challenge': an investigation into leadership education for teenagers  Higham, Rupert; Freathy, R.J.K.; Wegerif, Rupert
    1 March 2006A dialogic understanding of the relationship between CSCL and teaching thinking skills  Wegerif, Rupert
    19 February 2014Dialogue on ‘dialogic education’: has Rupert gone over to ‘the Dark Side’?  Matusov, Eugene; Wegerif, Rupert
    23 October 2009Exploring creative thinking in graphically mediated synchronous dialogues  Wegerif, Rupert; McLaren, Bruce M.; Chamrada, Marian; et al.
    9 July 2015The importance of dialogic processes to conceptual development in mathematics  Kazak, Sibel; Wegerif, Rupert; Fujita, Taro
    19 December 2007Oracy and the Educational Achievement of Pupils with English as an Additional Language: The Impact of Bringing 'Talking Partners' into Bradford Schools  Wegerif, Rupert; Kotler, Angie; Levoi, Martin
    15 May 2005Reason and creativity in classroom dialogues  Wegerif, Rupert
    2004The role of educational software as a support for teaching and learning conversations. 21st Century Learning: Selected Contributions from the CAL 03 Conference  Wegerif, Rupert
    2004The role of educational software as a support for teaching and learning conversations. 21st Century Learning: Selected Contributions from the CAL 03 Conference  Wegerif, Rupert
    1 November 2015Scaffolding and dialogic teaching in mathematics education: introduction and review  Bakker, Arthur; Smit, Jantien; Wegerif, Rupert
    1 November 2015Toward dialogic literacy education for the internet age  Wegerif, Rupert
    2011Towards a dialogic theory of how children learn to think  Wegerif, Rupert