Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    16 November 2010The Earth as an extrasolar transiting planet: Earth's atmospheric composition and thickness revealed by Lunar eclipse observations  Vidal-Madjar, A.; Arnold, L.; Ehrenreich, D.; et al.
    8 April 2015A non-isothermal theory for interpreting sodium lines in transmission spectra of exoplanets  Heng, Kevin; Wyttenbach, Aurélien; Lavie, Baptiste; et al.
    21 July 2010Observation of the full 12-hour-long transit of the exoplanet HD80606b: Warm-Spitzer photometry and SOPHIE spectroscopy  Hebrard, G.; Desert, J.-M.; Diaz, R.F.; et al.
    3 August 2009Planetary transit candidates in CoRoT-LRc01 field  Cabrera, J.; Fridlund, M.; Ollivier, M.; et al.
    2 July 2009Planetary transit candidates in the CoRoT initial run: resolving their nature  Moutou, C.; Pont, F.; Bouchy, F.; et al.
    2009Spin-orbit misalignment in the HD 80606 planetary system  Pont, F.; Hébrard, G.; Irwin, J. M.; et al.