Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 January 2009Magnetic activity in the photosphere of CoRoT-Exo-2a. Active longitudes and short-term spot cycle in a young Sun-like star  Lanza, A. F.; Pagano, I.; Leto, G.; et al.
    14 January 2009Modelling solar-like variability for the detection of Earth-like planetary transits. II. Performance of the three-spot modelling, harmonic function fitting, iterative nonlinear filtering, and sliding boxcar filtering  Bonomo, A. S.; Aigrain, Suzanne; Bordé, P.; et al.
    5 March 2009Photospheric activity and rotation of the planet-hosting star CoRoT-4a  Lanza, A. F.; Aigrain, Suzanne; Messina, S.; et al.
    3 August 2009Planetary transit candidates in CoRoT-LRc01 field  Cabrera, J.; Fridlund, M.; Ollivier, M.; et al.
    2009The secondary eclipse of CoRoT-1b  Alonso, R.; Alapini, Aude; Aigrain, Suzanne; et al.