Now showing items 21-40 of 54

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 February 2007What makes self-help interventions effective in the management of depressive symptoms? Meta-analysis and meta-regression.  Gellatly, Judith; Bower, Peter; Hennessy, Sue; et al.
    17 August 2017When and how does normative feedback reduce intentions to drink irresponsibly? An experimental investigation  Smith, JR; Louis, WR; Abraham, C
    27 May 2015When do high and low status group members support confrontation? The role of perceived pervasiveness of prejudice  Kahn, KB; Barreto, M; Kaiser, CR; et al.
    6 June 2016When group members go against the grain: An ironic interactive effect of group identification and normative content on healthy eating  Banas, K; Cruwys, T; de Wit, JBF; et al.
    27 October 2021When helping is risky: the behavioral and neurobiological tradeoff of social and risk preferences  Gross, JAJ; Faber, NS; Kappes, A; et al.
    2017When identity hurts: how positive intragroup experiences yield negative mental health implications for ethnic and sexual minorities  Begeny, CT; Huo, YJ
    12 September 2011When is it adaptive to be patient? A general framework for evaluating delayed rewards  Fawcett, TW; McNamara, JM; Houston, AI
    16 January 2021When is women’s benevolent sexism associated with support for other women’s agentic responses to gender-based threat?  Kahn, KB; van Breen, J; Barreto, M; et al.
    18 December 2013When Sex Doesn't Sell: Using Sexualized Images of Women Reduces Support for Ethical Campaigns  Bongiorno, R; Bain, PG; Haslam, N
    25 June 2018When similarities are more Important than differences: “politically black” union members’ experiences of racism and participation in union leadership  Sweetman, J
    6 November 2019When speaking English is not enough: The consequences of language-based stigma for non-native speakers  Birney, M; Rabinovich, A; Morton, TA; et al.
    1 November 2011When the ends outweigh the means: mood and level of identification in depression.  Watkins, E.R; Moberly, Nicholas J.; Moulds, ML
    1 November 2011When the Ends Outweigh the Means: Mood and Level-of-construal in Depression  Watkins, E.R; Moberly, Nicholas J.; Moulds, ML
    2015When will people resist surveillance: First they need to notice it, then identify the source.  Stuart, A; Levine, M
    15 June 2020Where Are You From? An Investigation Into the Intersectionality of Accent Strength and Nationality Status on Perceptions of Nonnative Speakers in Britain  Birney, M; Rabinovich, A; Morton, T
    4 September 2018Which biological and self-report measures of cannabis use predict cannabis dependency and acute psychotic-like effects?  Curran, HV; Hindocha, C; Morgan, CJA; et al.
    1 March 2011Who Gets the Carrot and Who Gets the Stick? Evidence of Gender Disparities in Executive Remuneration  Kulich, Clara; Trojanowski, Grzegorz; Ryan, Michelle K.; et al.
    8 July 2016Who punishes? The status of the punishers affects the perceived success of, and indirect benefits from, ''moralistic'' punishment  Gordon, DS; Lea, SEG
    1 April 2010Who says we are bad people? The impact of criticism source and attributional content on responses to group-based criticism.  Rabinovich, Anna; Morton, Thomas A.
    1 March 2019Whose tweets? The rhetorical functions of social media use in developing the Black Lives Matter movement  Wilkins, D; Livingstone, A; Levine, M