Now showing items 241-260 of 741

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 March 2017Enhanced task related brain activation and resting perfusion in healthy older adults after chronic blueberry supplementation.  Bowtell, JL; Aboo-Bakkar, Z; Conway, M; et al.
    14 June 2019Enhancing intrinsic motivation for physical activity among adolescents with cystic fibrosis: a qualitative study of the views of healthcare professionals  Denford, S; Mackintosh, KA; McNarry, MA; et al.
    13 October 2004Environmental perceptions and walking in English adults  Foster, Charles; Hillsdon, Melvyn; Thorogood, Margaret
    1 February 2016Equal-magnitude size-weight illusions experienced within and between object categories.  Buckingham, G; Goodale, MA; White, JA; et al.
    1 May 2011Establishing maximal oxygen uptake in young people during a ramp cycle test to exhaustion  Barker, AR; Williams, CA; Jones, Andrew M.; et al.
    26 March 2018Estimates of tibial shock magnitude in men and women at the start and end of a military drill training programme  Rice, HM; Saunders, S; McGuire, S; et al.
    14 May 2019Estimating tibial stress throughout the duration of a treadmill run  Rice, HM; Weir, G; Trudeau, MB; et al.
    1 September 2013Evaluating stress as a challenge is associated with superior attentional control and motor skill performance: testing the predictions of the biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat  Vine, Samuel J.; Freeman, P; Moore, Lee J.; et al.
    1 September 2013Evaluating stress as a challenge is associated with superior attentional control and motor skill performance: testing the predictions of the biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat  Vine, Samuel J.; Freeman, P; Moore, Lee J.; et al.
    31 July 2019Evidence of a link between fall-related anxiety and high-risk patterns of visual search in older adults during adaptive locomotion.  Ellmers, TJ; Cocks, AJ; Young, WR
    30 April 2018An examination of developmental assets and academic performance in higher education sport students  Jones, MI
    1 December 2000Examination of the validity of the Social Support Survey using confirmatory factor analysis.  Rees, T; Hardy, L; Ingledew, DK; et al.
    1 January 2015Examining movement-specific reinvestment and performance in demanding contexts  Malhotra, N; Poolton, JM; Wilson, MR; et al.
    24 May 2014Examining the antecedents of challenge and threat states: the influence of perceived required effort and support availability.  Moore, LJ; Vine, SJ; Wilson, MR; et al.
    25 April 2019Examining the effect of challenge and threat states on endurance exercise capabilities  Arthur, TG; Wilson, MR; Moore, LJ; et al.
    6 February 2018Examining the effect of state anxiety on compensatory and strategic adjustments in the planning of goal-directed aiming  Roberts, JW; Wilson, MR; Skultety, JK; et al.
    23 October 2017Examining the response programming function of the Quiet Eye: Do tougher shots need a quieter eye?  Walters-Symons, R; Wilson, M; Klostermann, A; et al.
    3 February 2020Examining the roles of working memory and visual attention in multiple object tracking expertise.  Harris, DJ; Wilson, MR; Crowe, EM; et al.
    21 February 2019Examining the size-weight illusion with visuo-haptic conflict in immersive virtual reality.  Buckingham, G
    31 January 2020Examining Whether Semantic Cues Can Affect Felt Heaviness When Lifting Novel Objects  Naylor, CE; Power, TJ; Buckingham, G