Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    25 July 2019Beet the cold: Beetroot juice improves peripheral blood flow, endothelial function and anti-inflammatory status in individuals with Raynaud's phenomenon.  Shepherd, AI; Costello, JT; Bailey, SJ; et al.
    29 May 2019Contralateral fatigue during severe-intensity single-leg exercise: influence of acute acetaminophen ingestion.  Morgan, PT; Bailey, SJ; Banks, RA; et al.
    1 October 2014Dietary nitrate supplementation: effects on plasma nitrite and pulmonary O2 uptake dynamics during exercise in hypoxia and normoxia  Kelly, J; Vanhatalo, A; Bailey, SJ; et al.
    1 June 2018Discrete physiological effects of beetroot juice and potassium nitrate supplementation following 4-wk sprint interval training  Thompson, C; Vanhatalo, A; Kadach, S; et al.
    16 March 2018A high-sensitivity electrochemiluminescence-based ELISA for the measurement of the oxidative stress biomarker, 3-nitrotyrosine, in human blood serum and cells  Knight, AR; Taylor, E; Lukaszewski, R; et al.
    1 March 2017Influence of dietary nitrate supplementation on physiological and muscle metabolic adaptations to sprint interval training  Thompson, C; Wylie, LJ; Blackwell, JR; et al.
    23 December 2016Influence of iodide ingestion on nitrate metabolism and blood pressure following short-term dietary nitrate supplementation in healthy normotensive adults  Bailey, SJ; Blackwell, JR; Wylie, LJ; et al.
    29 July 2015On the mechanism by which dietary nitrate improves human skeletal muscle function.  Affourtit, C; Bailey, SJ; Jones, AM; et al.
    15 November 2018Time-trial performance is not impaired in either competitive athletes or untrained individuals following a prolonged cognitive task  Clark, IE; Goulding, RP; DiMenna, FJ; et al.
    30 September 2016Two weeks of watermelon juice supplementation improves nitric oxide bioavailability but not endurance exercise performance in humans  Bailey, SJ; Blackwell, JR; Williams, E; et al.