Now showing items 94-113 of 11233

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    23 December 2016Accounting  Jollands, SE
    13 July 2016Accounting and Taxation: UK  James, SR
    30 May 2024Accounting for quantum effects in atomistic spin dynamics  Berritta, M; Scali, S; Cerisola, F; et al.
    17 October 2023Accounting for seedling performance from nursery to outplanting when reforesting degraded tropical peatlands  Harrison, ME; Brugues Sintes, P; Kusin, K; et al.
    1 August 2021Accounting for skew when post-processing MOGREPS-UK temperature forecast fields  Allen, S; Evans, GR; Buchanan, P; et al.
    18 March 2013Accounting for stress: a comparative analysis of corporate reporting on work-related stress by UK, German and Greek companies  Vourvachis, Petros; Kladi, K.
    26 January 2019Accounting for timing when assessing health-related policies  Claxton, K; Asaria, M; Chansa, C; et al.
    1 September 2012Accounting regulation and management discretion - a case note  Billings, Mark; Bátiz-Lazo, Bernardo
    30 July 2024The accretion burst of the massive young stellar object G323.46−0.08  Wolf, V; Stecklum, B; Caratti o Garatti, A; et al.
    21 June 2017Accretion-ejection morphology of the microquasar SS 433 resolved at sub-au scale  Brandner, W; Buron, A; Choquet, E; et al.
    20 October 2005Accretion-powered stellar winds as a solution to the stellar angular momentum problem  Matt, Sean P.; Pudritz, Ralph E.
    10 May 2008Accretion-powered stellar winds. II. Numerical solutions for stellar wind torques  Matt, Sean P.; Pudritz, Ralph E.
    1 July 2008Accretion-powered stellar winds. III. spin-equilibrium solutions  Matt, Sean P.; Pudritz, Ralph E.,
    1 July 2011Accruals, disclosure and the pricing of future earnings in the European market  Dargenidou, Christina; McLeay, Stuart; Raonic, Ivana
    1 July 2011Accruals, disclosure and the pricing of future earnings in the European market  Dargenidou, Christina; McLeay, Stuart; Raonic, Ivana
    15 July 2015Accumulation-based computing using phasechange memories with FET access devices  Hosseini, Peiman; Sebastian, A.; Papandreou, N.; et al.
    21 August 2016Accuracy and computational efficiency of 2D urban surface flood modelling based on cellular automata  Gibson, MJ; Savić, DA; DJordjević, S; et al.
    31 July 2000Accuracy of expressions for the magnetic field of a ring head  Middleton, Barry K.; Aziz, Mustafa M.; Miles, J. J.
    16 July 2009Accuracy of stellar parameters of exoplanet-host stars determined from asteroseismology  Mulet-Marquis, C.; Baraffe, I.; Aigrain, Suzanne; et al.
    7 April 2014Accuracy tests of radiation schemes used in hot Jupiter global circulation models  Amundsen, David S.; Baraffe, I.; Tremblin, Pascal; et al.