Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    6 May 2016Zero reflection and transmission in graded index media  King, CG; Horsley, SAR; Philbin, TG
    2011Zero-energy states in graphene quantum dots and rings  Downing, C.A.; Stone, D.A.; Portnoi, M.E.
    18 March 2019Zero-energy vortices in Dirac materials  Downing, CA; Portnoi, ME
    7 December 2020Zero-refractive-index materials and topological photonics  Horsley, SAR; Woolley, M
    15 May 2019Zero-velocity detection—a Bayesian approach to adaptive thresholding  Wahlstrom, J; Skog, I; Gustafsson, F; et al.
    20 April 2018Zeta potentials of the rare earth element fluorcarbonate minerals focusing on bastnäsite and parisite.  Owens, CL; Nash, GR; Hadler, K; et al.
    8 September 2016Zigzag-Shaped Superlattices on the Basis of Graphene Nanoribbons: Structure and Electronic Properties  Saroka, VA; Batrakov, KG
    22 February 2024Zine Ecologies: Creative Environmentalisms and Literary Activisms  Smith, L; Cartwright, C; Brennan-Lister, G; et al.
    13 May 2019Zonal-mean atmospheric dynamics of slowly-rotating terrestrial planets  Colyer, GJ; Vallis, GK
    6 November 2023Zonostrophic instabilities in magnetohydrodynamic Kolmogorov flow  Algatheem, AM; Gilbert, AD; Hillier, AS
    1 June 2021Zooming through the MIST  Owens, M; Allanson, O; Maunder, M