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dc.contributor.authorChatterjee, Kalyan
dc.contributor.authorDas, Kaustav
dc.description.abstractWe study a model of decentralised bilateral interactions in a small market where one of the sellers has private information about her value. There are two identical buyers and another seller, whose valuation is commonly known to be in between the two possible valuations of the informed seller. We consider two in nite horizon games, with public and private simultaneous one-sided o¤ers respectively and simultaneous responses. We show that there is a stationary perfect Bayes equilibrium for both models such that prices in all transactions converge to the same value as the discount factor goes to 1.en_GB
dc.publisherUniversity of Exeteren_GB
dc.subjectbilateral bargainingen_GB
dc.subjectIncomplete informationen_GB
dc.subjectOutside optionsen_GB
dc.subjectCoase conjectureen_GB
dc.titleDecentralised bilateral trading in a market with incomplete informationen_GB
dc.typeWorking Paperen_GB
dc.identifier.issn1473 – 3307
dc.descriptiontypes: Articleen_GB
dc.descriptionDiscussion paperen_GB
dc.identifier.journalEconomics Department Discussion Papers Seriesen_GB

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