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dc.contributor.authorChappell, Kerry
dc.description.abstractWithin the context of developing creativity discourse and policy, this paper begins by exploring a number of the tensions that emerged from research using an interdisciplinary framework to investigate creativity with English expert specialist dance teachers. The paper then interrogates and articulates the productive dynamics of one of these tensions that occur between individual, collaborative and communal creativity. This tension is discussed within the wider debate of individualised versus collaborative/communal creativity and the encouragement of the former by individualised, marketised creativity policies. It is argued that one constructive product of articulating how dance professionals negotiate this tension within education is a pertinent and helpful example of a more humane framework for creativity than that espoused by the individualised marketisation agenda. In turn the paper draws out the idea of humanising creativity as a productive process that has the potential to challenge aspects of the dominant policy discourse in an emergent way.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 1, Issue 3en_GB
dc.publisherUniversity of Melbourneen_GB
dc.subjectHumanising Creativityen_GB
dc.subjectDance Educationen_GB
dc.subjectPolicy/Practice Tensionen_GB
dc.titleTowards Humanising Creativityen_GB
dc.identifier.issn1835 - 2776
dc.descriptiontypes: Articleen_GB
dc.identifier.journalUNESCO Observatory E-Journalen_GB

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