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dc.contributor.authorBeduschi, AC
dc.description.abstractFrench Abstract: La notion de loyauté connaît une application grandissante en droit administratif. Si elle emprunte des formes différentes, selon le domaine du droit administratif en question, elle semble receler une finalité commune. En effet,le juge administratif se fonde sur l’exigence de bonne foi de l’administration dans le domaine contractuel ou extracontractuel pour étayer les effets de cette notion. Ce faisant, il permet un élargissement des contours du droit administratif, voire même, un certain métissage de la matière administrative. English Abstract: This article argues that the concept of loyalty has become increasingly important under French administrative law. Firstly, it is shown that although this concept presents different forms, depending on the field of administrative law in question, it seems to serve a common purpose. Secondly, the argument is put forward that case-law shows that the requirement of good faith of the administration is used in both contractual and extra-contractual areas of administrative law in order to support the effects of the concept of loyalty. Finally, the article concludes that in doing so, the boundaries of administrative law are broadened, allowing even, a blending of administrative matters with civil matters.
dc.description.abstractEnglish Abstract: This article argues that the concept of loyalty has become increasingly important under French administrative law. Firstly, it is shown that although this concept presents different forms, depending on the field of administrative law in question, it seems to serve a common purpose. Secondly, the argument is put forward that case-law shows that the requirement of good faith of the administration is used in both contractual and extra-contractual areas of administrative law in order to support the effects of the concept of loyalty. Finally, the article concludes that in doing so, the boundaries of administrative law are broadened, allowing even, a blending of administrative matters with civil matters.
dc.identifier.citationNo 17, 2011, pp. 944-951.en_GB
dc.subjectFrench Administrative Lawen_GB
dc.titleLa notion de loyauté en droit administratif [The Concept of Loyalty in French Administrative Law]en_GB
dc.descriptionText in Frenchen_GB
dc.identifier.journalL'Actualité Juridique. Droit Administratif (AJDA)en_GB

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