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dc.contributor.authorSeale, Jane
dc.description.abstractThis article aims to contribute to the development of frameworks for evaluating student voice projects in higher education by offering a critically evaluative account of two student voice projects. Although both projects had been underpinned by the principles of participatory (inclusive) research, one appeared to be more successful than the other in engaging students in a productive or meaningful way. In order to confirm and explain these perceived differences, this paper draws on both student voice and participatory research literature to identify two potentially useful evaluation criteria: reach and fitness for purpose. These criteria are applied to three project factors: aims and assumptions; processes; and outcomes to produce an amplitude framework for evaluating student voice in higher education. It is argued that this framework has the potential to enable a rich account of the relative successes and failures of student voice initiatives in higher education.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 31 (2), pp. 212-233
dc.rights.embargoreasonPublisher's requirementen_GB
dc.subjectstudent voiceen_GB
dc.subjecthigher educationen_GB
dc.subjectevaluation frameworksen_GB
dc.subjectparticipatory researchen_GB
dc.titleHow can we confidently judge the extent to which student voice in higher education has been genuinely amplified? A proposal for a new evaluation frameworken_GB
dc.identifier.issn0267-1522 Kingdom
dc.identifier.journalResearch Papers in Educationen_GB

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