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dc.contributor.authorWalsh, DA
dc.contributor.authorBrown, JT
dc.contributor.authorRandall, AD
dc.description.abstractThe nucleus reuniens (Re) is the largest of the midline thalamic nuclei. We have performed a detailed neurophysiological characterization of neurons in the rostral Re of brain slices prepared from adult male mice. At resting potential (−63.7 ± 0.6 mV), circa 90% of Re neurons fired action potentials, typically continuously at ∼8 Hz. Although Re neurons experience a significant spontaneous barrage of fast, amino-acid-mediate synaptic transmission, this was not predominantly responsible for spontaneous spiking as firing persisted in the presence of glutamate and GABA receptor antagonists. With resting potential preset to −80 mV −20 pA current injections revealed a mean input resistance of 615 MΩ and mean time constant of 38 ms. Following cessation of this stimulus a significant rebound potential was seen that was sometimes large enough to trigger a short burst of very high frequency (100–300 Hz) firing. In most cells short (2 ms), strong (2 nA) current injections elicited a single spike followed by a large afterdepolarizing potential (ADP) which, when suprathreshold, generated high frequency spiking. Similarly, in the majority of cells preset at −80 mV, 500 ms depolarizing current injections to cells led to a brief initial burst of very high frequency firing, although this was lost when cells were preset at −72 mV. Biophysical and pharmacological experiments indicate a prominent role for T-type Ca2+ channels in the high-frequency bursting of Re neurons. Finally, we describe a novel form of activity-dependent intrinsic plasticity that persistently eliminates the burst firing potential of Re neurons.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationAccepted manuscript online: 11 March 2017en_GB
dc.rights.embargoreasonPublisher's policy.en_GB
dc.titleIn vitro characterisation of cell-level neurophysiological diversity in the rostral nucleus reuniens of adult miceen_GB
dc.descriptionThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.en_GB
dc.identifier.journalJournal of Physiologyen_GB

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