Now showing items 1-20 of 102

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    2011"6/8 rhythm" Meets "lova-tsofina": Experiencing Malagasy Music  Fuhr, Jenny
    19 June 2009Accommodating the newfound strategic importance of educational technologists within higher education: a critical literature review  Shurville, Simon; Browne, Tom; Whitaker, Marian
    2009The aesthetic imperative of a rational-technical machinery: a study in organizational control through the design of artifacts  Witkin, Robert W.
    2009Agency and domination in communicative performance  Miles, Stephen
    2010Applied ethnomusicology: bridging research and action  Pettan, Svanibor
    1 June 2008Arts in ecology: questions of foresight  Haley, David
    2017Aumi-Futurism: The Elsewhere and "Elsewhen" of (Un)Rolling the Boulder and Turning the Page  Stewart, Jesse; Tucker, Sherrie; Williams, Peter A; et al.
    2011Bambeh’s Song: Music, Women and Health in a Rural Community in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone  Bingley, Kate
    2014Beyond Decoding: Art Installations and Mediation of Audiences  Farkhatdinov, B
    2011Call for Papers, Theme Issue: "Musical and artistic mediations"  MAiA Editorial Team
    20 February 2007Canute rules the waves?: Hope for e-library tools facing the challenge of the "Google generation"  Myhill, Martin
    8 December 2010The challenges of OER to Academic Practice  Browne, Tom; Holding, Richard; Howell, Anna; et al.
    23 August 2013Championing the library: involving students in development, advocacy and stock selection  Gale, Caroline
    5 July 2016Champions and e-books: using student Library Champions to inform e-book purchasing strategies  Gale, CA
    2012Choral, Public and Private Listener Responses to Hildegard Westerkamp's École Polytechnique  McCartney, Andra; McCarthy, Marta
    2009Collective identity and racial thought in São Paulo’s black gospel music scene  Burdick, John Samuel
    2016Conflict and Reparation: The agency of music in modern monastic community dynamics  Haste, AJ
    15 March 2016Creating A Dialogue through Improvisation in Cross-cultural Collaborations  Sanderson, Griselda
    2016'Criminals' Performing for Change: Budhan Theatre´s fight against injustice and police atrocity  Bhatt, S
    1 June 2008Editorial  MAiA Editorial Team