Now showing items 1-20 of 1157

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    27 October 2020B cells on the brain: meningeal IgA and a novel gut–brain firewall  Hepworth, MR; Greenhalgh, AD; Cook, PC
    21 January 2022Babies of South Asian and European Ancestry Show Similar Associations with Genetic Risk Score for Birth Weight Despite the Smaller Size of South Asian Newborns  Nongmaithem, SS; Beaumont, RN; Dedaniya, A; et al.
    21 May 2010Babinet’s principle and the band structure of surface waves on patterned metal arrays  Edmunds, James D.; Taylor, Melita C.; Hibbins, Alastair P.; et al.
    10 November 2009Baby Mickey and Minnie baby cup  Luv n' care
    10 November 2009Baby, take a bow  Gallaher Ltd.
    25 January 2021Babylon in the Greek Imaginaire  Squires, R
    13 May 2024Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination to prevent febrile and respiratory illness in adults (BRACE): secondary outcomes of a randomised controlled phase 3 trial  Pittet, LF; Messina, NL; McDonald, E; et al.
    11 September 2023Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination for protection against recurrent herpes labialis: a nested randomised controlled trial  Pittet, LF; Moore, CL; McDonald, E; et al.
    1 April 2010Bacillus licheniformis Anti-TRAP can assemble into two types of dodecameric particles with the same symmetry but inverted orientation of trimers.  Shevtsov, MB; Chen, Y; Isupov, MN; et al.
    12 May 2015Back analysis of the 2014 San Leo Landslide using combined terrestrial laser scanning and 3D distinct element modelling  Spreafico, MC; Francioni, M; Cervi, F; et al.
    8 January 2015Back in Black: Proposing a New Paradigm for the Application of EU Competition Rules to the Banking Sector  Lista, A
    4 February 2014Back to bundles: Deflating property rights, again  Glackin, Shane N.
    10 November 2009Back to the future  Corgi Books; Fleming
    1 June 2015Back to the future in Arkanar: The Strugatskiis, Aleksei German Sr and the problem of injustice in Hard to Be a God  Maguire, Muireann
    8 December 2015Back to the future: Assessing the damage of 2004 DHAKA FLOOD in The 2050 urban environment (journal article)  Khan, David M.; Verbeek, William; Chen, Albert S.; et al.
    7 September 2013Back to the future: Assessing the impact of the 2004 flood in Dhaka in 2050 (conference paper)  Khan, David M.; Taher, Imtiaz; Veerbeek, William; et al.
    31 July 2022Back to the future: in search for a new paradigm for the identification of market power in the big data sector  Lista, A
    6 May 2003Backflow in the relaxation of a hybrid aligned nematic cell  Jewell, Sharon A.; Sambles, J. Roy
    25 July 2019Background EEG connectivity captures the time-course of epileptogenesis in a mouse model of epilepsy  Slowinski, PM; Sheybani, L; Michel, CM; et al.
    24 May 2019Background matching and disruptive coloration as habitat-specific strategies for camouflage  Price, N; Green, S; Troscianko, J; et al.