Now showing items 1511-1530 of 38611

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 January 2019An approach for thematic relevance analysis applied to textual contributions in discussion forums  MacHado, CJR; MacIel, AMA; Rodrigues, RL; et al.
    6 January 2017Approach Motivation, Goal Pursuit, and Reward-Related Neural Responses: A Combined Experience-Sampling and fMRI Approach.  Bloodworth, Natasha Louise
    16 August 2011The Approach of NGOs and Civil Society Organizations to Turkish EU Membership with a Reference to the Helsinki Process: Constructive or Critical  Aslan, Huseyin
    12 July 2020An approach to assess swarm intelligence algorithms based on complex networks  Santana, C; Keedwell, E; Menezes, R
    29 January 2019An approach to linking education, social care and electronic health records for children and young people in South London: A linkage study of child and adolescent mental health service data  Downs, JM; Ford, T; Stewart, R; et al.
    8 April 2013Approaches and Solutions to Hospital Emergency Department Overcrowding Including Failure Mode and Effect Analysis as a Risk Assessment Technique of Real-time Locating System  Al Essa, Fares Mohammed
    1 November 2017Approaches to modelling the cost-effectiveness of interventions for heart failure: a systematic review  Sadler, S; Watson, L; Crathorne, L; et al.
    30 June 2009'The Approaching Festival of All Nations'  Unknown author
    3 September 2020Approaching spiritual and existential care needs in health education: Applying SOPHIE (self-exploration through ontological, phenomenological, and humanistic, ideological, and existential expressions), as practice methodology  Ali, G; Lalani, N
    2 March 2020Approaching the Complex, Cultural Other: Towards a Renewal of Christian Cultural Engagement in the Reformed Tradition  Prideaux, L
    18 April 2015Approcci High Tech E Low Tech Nella Documentazione di Imbarcazionitradizionali del Mar Rosso e del Golfo  Cooper, JP; Zazzaro, C; Wetherelt, A
    31 August 2011The appropriate spatial resolution of future weather files for building simulation  Eames, M; Kershaw, T; Coley, D
    29 November 2021Appropriateness as an aspect of lexical richness: what do quantitative measures tell us about children's writing?  Durrant, P; Durrant, A
    2 February 2018Approximate Bayesian Computation and simulation-based inference for complex stochastic epidemic models  McKinley, TJ; Vernon, I; Andrianakis, I; et al.
    1 August 2021Approximate Bayesian inference for analysis of spatio-temporal flood frequency data  Johannesson, ÁV; Siegert, S; Huser, R; et al.
    1 June 2022Approximate Bayesian inference for analysis of spatiotemporal flood frequency data  Jóhannesson, ÁV; Siegert, S; Huser, R; et al.
    19 October 2015Approximate Expressions for the Magnetic Potential and Fields of Two-Dimensional, Asymmetrical Magnetic Recording Heads  Aziz, Mustafa M.; Edress-Mohamed, A; Wright, D
    4 June 2013Approximate pole-placement controller using inverse plant dynamics for floor vibration control  Nyawako, Donald S.; Reynolds, Paul; Hudson, Malcolm J.
    26 July 2019Apps-olutely fabulous? - The quality of PFMT smartphone app content and design rated using the Mobile App Rating Scale, Behaviour Change Taxonomy, and guidance for exercise prescription  Hay-Smith, J; Peebles, L; Farmery, D; et al.
    1 October 2014AppTCP: The design and evaluation of application-based TCP for e-VLBI in fast long distance networks  Wang, G; Wu, Y; Dou, K; et al.