Now showing items 1964-1983 of 38611

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    10 February 2014An Assessment of the United Kingdom’s Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment  Saffrey-Mayger, Richard George
    8 September 2001Assessment of therapeutic safety in systematic reviews: literature review  Ernst, Edzard; Pittler, Max H
    6 April 2022Assessment of using Aloe vera gel alone and in combination with lemongrass essential oil as coating materials for strawberry fruits: HPLC and EDX analyses  Hassan, HS; EL-Hefny, M; Ghoneim, IM; et al.
    27 August 2024Assessment of Virtual Grid software for improving X-ray image quality and reducing radiation dose  Sayed, M
    30 September 2016The Assessment Practices of In-service Kurdish Tertiary TESOL Teachers and their Cognitions of Alternative Assessment  Ismael, Dler Abdullah Ismael
    4 October 2013Assessments of fighting ability need not be cognitively complex  Fawcett, TW; Mowles, SL
    14 June 2023Assessments performed on harder surfaces can misrepresent ACL injury risk  Jones, HSR; Stiles, VH; Verheul, J; et al.
    6 February 2018Assets, Commodities and Biosocialities. Multiple Biovalues in Hybrid Biobanking Practices  Beltrame, L; Hauskeller, C
    19 January 2018Assimilation of Ocean-Color Plankton Functional Types to Improve Marine Ecosystem Simulations  Ciavatta, S; Brewin, RJW; Skákala, J; et al.
    1 August 2018The Assimilation of Phytoplankton Functional Types for Operational Forecasting in the Northwest European Shelf  Skákala, J; Ford, D; Brewin, RJW; et al.
    2016Assisted Dying in Europe: A comparative law and governance analysis of four national and two supranational systems  McCann, A
    1 June 2015Association analysis of 29,956 individuals confirms that a low-frequency variant at CCND2 halves the risk of type 2 diabetes by enhancing insulin secretion.  Yaghootkar, H; Stancáková, A; Freathy, RM; et al.
    1 December 2015Association and Inhibition  McLaren, Ian P.L.; Verbruggen, Frederick
    22 January 2024The association between age and telomere length is age‐dependent: Evidence for a threshold model of telomere length maintenance  Romero‐Haro, AÁ; Mulder, E; Haussmann, MF; et al.
    19 May 2004The association between air travel and deep vein thrombosis: systematic review & meta-analysis.  Adi, Y; Bayliss, S; Rouse, A; et al.
    2 May 2024Association between arterial health and cognition in adolescents: the PANIC study  Jalanko, P; Bond, B; Laukkanen, JA; et al.
    7 November 2018The association between child and adolescent depression and poor attendance at school: A systematic review and meta-analysis  Finning, K; Ukoumunne, O; Ford, T; et al.
    28 June 2017The association between child and adolescent emotional disorder and poor attendance at school: a systematic review protocol.  Finning, K; Moore, D; Ukoumunne, OC; et al.
    16 November 2017The association between childhood fractures and adolescence bone outcomes: a population-based study, the Tromsø Study, Fit Futures  Christoffersen, T; Emaus, N; Dennison, E; et al.
    15 March 2015The association between childhood maltreatment and emotion regulation: two different mechanisms contributing to depression?  O'Mahen, HA; Karl, A; Moberly, Nicholas J.; et al.