Now showing items 3336-3355 of 38611

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 March 2021A bottom up approach to slowing fashion: tailored solutions for consumers  West, J; Saunders, C; Willett, J
    25 January 2019Bottom-up Change in Frozen Conflicts: Transnational Struggles and Mechanisms of Recognition in Western Sahara  Fernandez-Molina, I
    8 July 2015Bottom-up effects of a no-take zone on endangered penguin demographics  Sherley, Richard Brian; Winker, Henning; Altwegg, Res; et al.
    8 July 2015Bottom-up effects of a no-take zone on endangered penguin demographics.  Sherley, RB; Winker, H; Altwegg, R; et al.
    1 September 2009Bouncing back from failure: the interactive impact of perceived controllability and stability on self-efficacy beliefs and future task performance.  Coffee, P; Rees, T; Haslam, SA
    10 July 2023The Boundaries of the Lyric I: Mid-Century Poetry, Technology and Cold-War Culture  Inoue, S
    23 December 2016Boundary Capabilities in MNCs: Knowledge Transformation for Creative Solution Development  Tippmann, E; Scott, PS; Parker, A
    22 August 2019Boundary condition focused finite element model updating for bridges  Hester, D; Koo, K; Xu, Y; et al.
    3 January 2014Boundary conditions of an active West Antarctic subglacial lake: Implications for storage of water beneath the ice sheet  Siegert, M.J.; Ross, N; Corr, H.F.J.; et al.
    10 May 2021Boundary negotiations: a paradox theoretical approach for efficient and flexible modular systems  Davies, P; Parry, G; Phillips, LA; et al.
    1 April 2015Boundary object or bridging concept? A citation network analysis of resilience.  Baggio, J; Brown, K; Hellebrandt, D
    23 November 2016Boundary objects, power and learning: The matter of developing sustainable practice in organisations  Hawkins, BC; Pye, A; Correia, F
    16 September 2019Boundary tracking and source seeking of oceanic features using autonomous vehicles  Mellucci, C
    21 July 2015Boundary-layer effects on acoustic transmission through narrow slit cavities  Ward, GP; Lovelock, RK; Murray, AR; et al.
    2013Bounded Lüroth expansions: applying Schmidt games where infinite distortion exists  Mance, B; Tseng, J
    31 January 2013Bounded real and positive real balanced truncation for infinite-dimensional systems  Guiver, Chris; Opmeer, Mark R.
    1 November 2019Bounding aerosol radiative forcing of climate change  Bellouin, N; Quaas, J; Gryspeerdt, E; et al.
    27 December 2018Bounds on the Cost of Stabilizing a Cooperative Game  Bachrach, YB; Elkind, E; Malizia, E; et al.
    25 December 2013Bounds on the dynamics of sink populations with noisy immigration  Eager, Eric Alan; Guiver, Chris; Hodgson, David J.; et al.
    7 December 2018Bourdieu, Foucault and the politics of precarity  Masquelier, C