Now showing items 4270-4289 of 38611

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    15 February 2010Changes in hydrology and erosion over a transition from grassland to shrubland  Turnbull, Laura; Wainwright, John; Brazier, Richard E.
    27 December 2019Changes in neuronal activity across the mouse ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus in response to low glucose: Evaluation using an extracellular multi-electrode array approach  Hanna, L; Kawalek, TJ; Beall, C; et al.
    7 November 2019Changes in positive and negative affect during pharmacological treatment and cognitive therapy for major depressive disorder - A secondary analysis of two randomized controlled trials  Dunn, BD; German, RE; Khazanov, G; et al.
    24 May 2021Changes in presentations with features potentially indicating cancer in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective cohort study  Scott, LJ; Murphy, M; Price, S; et al.
    1 June 2020Changes in RNA regulatory processes during mammalian ageing  Lee, B
    19 October 2018Changes in temperature alter the potential outcomes of virus host shifts  Roberts, KE; Hadfield, JD; Sharma, MD; et al.
    1 October 2016Changes in the expression of splicing factor transcripts and variations in alternative splicing are associated with lifespan in mice and humans  Lee, BP; Pilling, LC; Emond, F; et al.
    14 March 2011Changes in the organization of excitation-contraction coupling structures in failing human heart  Crossman, DJ; Ruygrok, PR; Soeller, C; et al.
    21 June 2019Changes in the power-duration relationship following prolonged exercise: Estimation using conventional and all-out protocols and relationship with muscle glycogen  Clark, IE; Vanhatalo, A; Thompson, C; et al.
    27 February 2020Changes in the presenting symptoms of lung cancer from 2000-2017: A serial cross-sectional study of observational records in UK primary care  Chowienczyk, S; Price, S; Hamilton, W
    27 January 2020Changes in the presenting symptoms of lung cancer from 2000–2017: a serial cross-sectional study of observational records in UK primary care  Chowienczyk, S; Price, S; Hamilton, W
    15 April 2023Changes in UK pre-schooler's mental health symptoms over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: Data from Co-SPYCE study  Lawrence, PJ; Skripkauskaite, S; Shum, A; et al.
    23 July 2024Changes in wild meat hunting and use by rural communities during the COVID‐19 socio‐economic shock  Emogor, CA; Coad, L; Balmford, B; et al.
    27 December 2019The changes of endotracheal tube cuff pressure during manual and intermittent controlling in intensive care units  Nazari, R; Boyle, C; Panjoo, M; et al.
    14 November 2022‘The changes that face us’: Science fiction as (public) legal education  Newbery-Jones, CJ
    7 October 2016Changes to Cretaceous surface fire behaviour influenced the spread of the early angiosperms  Belcher, CM; Hudspith, VA
    23 July 2021Changes to the identity of EndoC-βH1 beta cells may be mediated by stress-induced depletion of HNRNPD  Jeffery, N; Chambers, D; Invergo, BM; et al.
    10 March 2023Changing Agendas on Sleep, Treatment and Learning in Epilepsy (CASTLE) Sleep-E: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial comparing an online behavioural sleep intervention with standard care in children with Rolandic epilepsy  Al-Najjar, N; Bray, L; Carter, B; et al.
    29 November 2021Changing carbonate chemistry alters the toxicity of contaminants to marine invertebrates  Wilson Mcneal, A
    1 June 2020A changing climate: exploring the implications of climate change for UK defence and security  Adger, N; Cox, K; Knack, A; et al.