Now showing items 5020-5039 of 38611

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    14 September 2018The climate impacts of atmospheric aerosols using in-situ measurements, satellite retrievals and global climate model simulations  Davies, Nicholas William
    27 May 2009Climate impacts of geoengineering marine stratocumulus clouds  Jones, Andy; Haywood, James M.; Boucher, Olivier
    1 July 2009Climate impacts of the southern annular mode simulated by the CMIP3 models  Karpechko, Alexey Yu; Gillett, Nathan P.; Marshall, Gareth J.; et al.
    14 December 2023Climate Intervention using marine cloud brightening (MCB) compared with stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) in the UKESM1 climate model  Haywood, JM; Jones, A; Jones, AC; et al.
    20 March 2015Climate justice in a carbon budget  McKinnon, C
    14 March 2019Climate justice in the endgame for 2 degrees  McKinnon, C
    25 July 2024Climate justice in the intersection between the CBDR&RC principle and intellectual property rights: a critical reading of international cooperation  Batista, LR
    23 December 2015Climate justice: high-status ingroup social models increase pro-environmental action through making actions seem more moral.  Sweetman, J; Whitmarsh, Lorraine
    20 May 2019Climate justice: integrating economics and philosophy  McKinnon, C
    9 August 2013Climate model response from the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP)  Kravitz, B; Caldeira, K; Boucher, O; et al.
    8 October 2021Climate models generally underrepresent the warming by Central Africa biomass-burning aerosols over the Southeast Atlantic  Mallet, M; Nabat, P; Johnson, B; et al.
    2 May 2018Climate models predict increasing temperature variability in poor countries  Bathiany, S; Dakos, V; Scheffer, M; et al.
    2 August 2023Climate Models Underestimate Dynamic Cloud Feedbacks in the Tropics  Hill, PG; Holloway, CE; Byrne, MP; et al.
    16 September 2023A climate of optimism? EU policy-making, political science and the democratization of Central and Eastern Europe (2000–2015)  Herman, LE; Dawson, J; Ananda, A
    30 November 2020Climate Policy in a Fragmented World - Transformative Governance Interactions at Multiple Levels  Jensen, A; Nielsen, HØ; Russel, D
    6 November 2015Climate policy meets national development contexts: Insights from Kenya and Mozambique  Naess, LO; Newell, P; Newsham, A; et al.
    13 March 2012Climate predictions: the influence of nonlinearity and randomness  Thompson, J.M.; Sieber, J.
    2 August 2022Climate refugia on the Great Barrier Reef fail when global warming exceeds 3°C.  McWhorter, JK; Halloran, PR; Roff, G; et al.
    1 April 2017Climate Regulation of the Electricity Industry: A Comparative View from Australia, Great Britain, South Korea, and the United States  Davies, LL; Crossley, P; Connor, PM; et al.
    4 January 2023Climate response and sensitivity: timescales and late tipping points  Bastiaansen, R; Ashwin, P; von der Heydt, AS