Now showing items 6713-6732 of 38610

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    28 May 2023Corrigendum to “The regional economic impact of wildfires: Evidence from Southern Europe” [Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 118 (2023) 102787]  Meier, S; Elliott, RJR; Strobl, E
    25 March 2018Corrigendum to: Use of the Gibbs thermodynamic potential to express the equation of state in atmospheric models (Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., (2017), 143, 1185-1196)  Thuburn, J
    1 April 2018Corrigendum: Deleterious variants in TRAK1 disrupt mitochondrial movement and cause fatal encephalopathy  Barel, O; Malicdan, MCV; Ben-Zeev, B; et al.
    31 January 2017Corrigendum: Integrative genomic analysis implicates limited peripheral adipose storage capacity in the pathogenesis of human insulin resistance.  Lotta, LA; Gulati, P; Day, FR; et al.
    15 July 2013Corrigendum: Linking the mechanics and energetics of hopping with elastic ankle exoskeletons  Farris, DJ; Sawicki, GS
    2 April 2015Corrigendum: Size and frequency of natural forest disturbances and the Amazon forest carbon balance  Espírito-Santo, FDB; Gloor, M; Keller, M; et al.
    27 June 2016Corrigendum: Solar cycles or random processes? Evaluating solar variability in Holocene climate records  Turner, TE; Swindles, GT; Charman, DJ; et al.
    7 August 2017Corrigendum: Synergistic exploitation of hyper- and multi-spectral precursor sentinel measurements to determine phytoplankton functional types (SynSenPFT) [Front. Mar. Sci,(203),4] DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00203  Losa, SN; Soppa, MA; Dinter, T; et al.
    26 June 2017Corrigendum: The presence of microplastics in commercial salts from different countries  Karami, A; Golieskardi, A; Choo, CK; et al.
    16 March 2015Corruption and Inflation  Yousefi, Hana
    5 August 2019Corruption, patronage, and illiberal peace: forging political settlement in post-conflict Kyrgyzstan  Lewis, DG; Sagnayeva, S
    2 May 2017Cortical abnormalities in bipolar disorder: an MRI analysis of 6503 individuals from the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorder Working Group.  Hibar, DP; Westlye, LT; Doan, NT; et al.
    30 August 2011Cortical regions involved in proactive control of task-set  Stevens, Tobias
    19 July 2023Cortico-thalamocortical interactions for learning, memory and decision-making  Perry, BAL; Mendez, JC; Mitchell, AS
    7 November 2019Coseismic and monsoon-triggered landslide impacts on remote trekking infrastructure, Langtang Valley, Nepal  Jones, JN; Stokes, M; Boulton, SJ; et al.
    1 July 2017Cosmic Evolution and Evil  Southgate, CCB
    8 September 2014Cosmopolitanism’s Multiple Histories: Going Beyond Conventional Understandings of the Genesis of Cosmopolitan Thought  Inglis, David
    28 June 2017The cosmopolitics of situated care  Schillmeier, M
    10 November 2009Cosmorama exhibition  Unknown author
    3 March 2017The Cosmoscope. Maps and their Users in the Plant Geography of the 19th Century  Mueller-Wille, S