Now showing items 6845-6864 of 38610

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    28 July 2022Coupling function from bath density of states  Nemati, S; Henkel, C; Anders, J
    1 April 2016Coupling of dynamical micromagnetism and a stationary spin drift-diffusion equation: A step towards a fully self-consistent spintronics framework  Ruggeri, M; Abert, C; Hrkac, G; et al.
    25 February 2000The coupling of microwave radiation to surface plasmon polaritons and guided modes via dielectric gratings  Hibbins, Alastair P.; Sambles, J. Roy; Lawrence, Christopher R.
    1 May 2000Coupling of near-grazing microwave photons to surface plasmon polaritons via a dielectric grating  Hibbins, Alastair P.; Sambles, J. Roy; Lawrence, Christopher R.
    20 November 2019Coupling of volume of fluid and level set methods in condensing heat transfer simulations  Kahraman, R; Bacheva, D; Schmieder, A; et al.
    1 July 2011Coupling Plasmonic Metamaterials To Single-Quantum-Well Gain  Meinzer, Nina
    27 May 2010Coupling the Planetary Boundary Layer to the Large Scale Dynamics of the Atmosphere: The Impact of Vertical Discretisation  Holdaway, Daniel
    13 July 2017Courgette Production: Pollination Demand, Supply, and Value  Knapp, JL; Osborne, JL
    27 August 2024Court Politics, Imperial Authority, and the Role of the Emperor in the Reign of Theodosius II  Anderson, JHW; Anderson, H
    1 March 2004Court-based Mediation: A preliminary analysis of the small claims mediation scheme at Exeter County Court  Prince, Sue
    6 October 2021Courtship Ritual of Male and Female Nuclei during Fertilization in Neurospora crassa  Brun, S; Kuo, H-C; Jeffree, CE; et al.
    19 December 2017Courtship, sex and poverty: illegitimacy in eighteenth-century Wales  Muir, A J
    28 November 2020Courtwatching: Visibility, publicness, witnessing, and embodiment in legal activism  Gill, N; Hynes, J
    12 March 2018Covariation in urban birds providing cultural services or disservices and people  Cox, D; Hudson, H; Plummer, K; et al.
    1 January 2013Covenant and International Relations in the Ancient Near East: A Preliminary Exploration  Freire, Lucas G.
    14 July 2016Covering behavior of deep-water echinoids in Antarctica: possible response to predatory king crabs  Brothers, CJ; Smith, KE; Amsler, MO; et al.
    18 October 2018Covering Up Chelmno: Nazi Attempts to Obfuscate and Obliterate an Extermination Camp  Terry, NM
    15 January 2018Covert Images Using Surface Plasmon-Mediated Optical Polarization Conversion  Finlayson, ED; Hooper, IR; Lawrence, CR; et al.
    31 May 2017Covert linear polarization signatures from brilliant white two-dimensional disordered wing structures of the phoenix damselfly  Vukusic, P; Nixon, MR; Orr, AG
    11 January 2017Covetable Corpses and Plastic Beetles - The Socioecological Behavior of Burying Beetles  Royle, NJ; Hopwood, PE