Now showing items 1-19 of 19

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    19 January 2023Adaptive lie detection and perceived prevalence of false reports in evaluation of sexual offence allegations  Helm, RK
    16 October 2018Brain activation covaries with reported criminal behaviors when making risky choices: A fuzzy-trace theory approach  Reyna, VF; Helm, RK; Shah, PD; et al.
    26 February 2024The Challenge of Factual Hard Cases for Guilty Plea Regimes  Helm, RK
    21 August 2018Cognitive Theory and Plea Bargaining  Helm, RK
    18 August 2019Constrained Waiver of Trial Rights? Incentives to Plead Guilty and the Right to a Fair Trial  Helm, RK
    29 April 2019Conviction by Consent? Vulnerability, Autonomy, and Conviction by Guilty Plea  Helm, RK
    1 June 2023Developing a model of guilty plea decision-making: Fuzzy-trace theory, gist, and categorical boundaries  Zottoli, TM; Helm, RK; Edkins, VA; et al.
    14 November 2017Expert Decision Making: A Fuzzy-Trace Theory Perspective  Helm, RK; McCormick, M; Reyna, VF
    30 April 2018From Meaning to Money: Translating Injury Into Dollars  Hans, VP; Helm, RK; Reyna, VF
    6 April 2023Fuzzy trace theory: Memory and decision-making in law, medicine, and public health  Helm, RK; Reyna, VF
    9 May 2022Guiding Jurors’ Damage Award Decisions: Experimental Investigations of Approaches Based on Theory and Practice  Hans, VP; Reed, K; Reyna, VF; et al.
    25 August 2021Guilty Plea Decisions: Moving Beyond the Autonomy Myth  Helm, RK; Dehaghani, R; Newman, D
    23 March 2018Limitations on the ability to negotiate justice: Attorney perspectives on guilt, innocence, and legal advice in the current plea system  Helm, RK; Reyna, VF; Franz, AA; et al.
    10 March 2021Pleading guilty online: enhanced vulnerability and access to justice  Helm, RK
    17 October 2022Predicting and projecting memory: Error and bias in metacognitive judgments underlying testimony evaluation  Helm, RK; Growns, B
    23 June 2022Prevalence Estimates as Priors: Juror Characteristics, Perceived Base Rates, and Verdicts in Cases Reliant on Complainant and Defendant Testimony  Helm, RK; Growns, B
    8 February 2021Regulatory Responses to ‘Fake News’ and Freedom of Expression: Normative and Empirical Evaluation  Helm, RK; Nasu, H
    20 November 2017Trial by Numbers  Helm, RK; Hans, VP; Reyna, VF
    28 February 2023Wrongful Conviction in England and Wales: An Assessment of Successful Appeals and Key Contributors  Helm, RK