Now showing items 1342-1361 of 2456

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 December 2014Modelling the Corona of HD 189733 in 3D  Strugarek, A; Brun, AS; Matt, SP; et al.
    27 January 2023A modern-day Mars climate in the Met Office Unified Model: dry simulations  McCulloch, D; Sergeev, D; Mayne, N; et al.
    16 December 2015Modulation characteristics of graphene-based thermal emitters  Mahlmeister, NH; Lawton, LM; Luxmoore, IJ; et al.
    7 August 2018MOF Derived Porous ZnO/C Nanocomposites for Efficient Dye Photodegradation  Hussain, MZ; Schneemann, A; Fischer, RA; et al.
    13 June 2012Molecular beam growth of graphene nanocrystals on dielectric substrates  Wurstbauer, Ulrich; Schiros, Theanne; Jaye, Cherno; et al.
    23 June 2015Molecular diffusion in the human nail measured by stimulated Raman scattering microscopy.  Chiu, Wing Sin; Belsey, Natalie A.; Garrett, Natalie; et al.
    10 August 2018Molecular dynamics simulations disclose early stages of the photo-Activation of cryptochrome 4 (article)  Kattnig, DR; Nielsen, C; Solov'Yov, IA
    28 September 2018Molecular dynamics simulations disclose early stages of the photo-activation of cryptochrome 4 (dataset)  Kattnig, Daniel R.; Nielsen, Claus; Solov'yov, Ilia A.
    6 September 2001Molecular fluorescence above metallic gratings  Andrew, P.; Barnes, William L.
    11 October 2012Molecular line contamination in the SCUBA-2 450 and 850 μm continuum data  Drabek, E; Hatchell, J; Friberg, P; et al.
    18 February 2020Molecular Monolayer Strong Coupling in Dielectric Soft Microcavities (article)  Vasista, AB; Barnes, WL
    9 November 2020Molecular Monolayer Strong Coupling in Dielectric Soft Microcavities (dataset)  Vasista, AB; Barnes, WL
    15 July 2024Molecular strong coupling and cavity finesse (article)  Menghrajani, KS; Vasista, AB; Tan, WJ; et al.
    25 July 2024Molecular Strong Coupling and Cavity Finesse (dataset)  Menghrajani, KS; Vasista, AB; Tan, WJ; et al.
    1 April 1991Momentum alignment and spin orientation of photoexcited electrons in quantum wells  Merkulov, N.A.; Perel, V.I.; Portnoi, M.E.
    9 December 2022Momentum alignment and the optical valley Hall effect in low-dimensional Dirac materials  Saroka, VA; Hartmann, RR; Portnoi, ME
    5 March 2015Monitoring lipid accumulation in the green microalga Botryococcus braunii with frequency-modulated stimulated Raman scattering  Wang, CC; Chandrappa, D; Smirnoff, N; et al.
    5 August 2019Monte Carlo simulations of heat deposition during photothermal skin cancer therapy using nanoparticles  Jeynes, JCG; Wordingham, F; Moran, LJ; et al.
    21 August 2021Monte-Carlo wavefunction approach for the spin dynamics of recombining radicals  Keens, RH; Kattnig, DR
    26 August 2014The morphology of the Milky Way - I. Reconstructing CO maps from simulations in fixed potentials (article)  Pettitt, AR; Dobbs, CL; Acreman, DM; et al.