Now showing items 204-223 of 2456

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 July 2017Broadband conversion of microwaves into propagating spin waves in patterned magnetic structures (article)  Mushenok, F; Dost, R; Davies, C; et al.
    17 July 2017Broadband conversion of microwaves into propagating spin waves in patterned magnetic structures (dataset)  Mushenok, F; Dost, R; Davies, C; et al.
    2014Broadband impedance-matched electromagnetic structured ferrite composite in the megahertz range  Parke, L.; Youngs, I.J.; Hibbins, Alastair P.; et al.
    1 November 2017A broadband metasurface Luneburg lens for microwave surface waves  de Pineda, JD; Mitchell-Thomas; Hibbins, AP; et al.
    19 November 2021Broadband negative-index surface-waves on arrays of capped helices  Petrov, P; Hibbins, AP; Sambles, JR; et al.
    13 February 2020Broadband optical measurement of AC magnetic susceptibility of magnetite nanoparticles  Soucaille, R; Sharifabad, ME; Telling, ND; et al.
    15 November 2018A broadband stripline technique for characterizing relative permittivity and permeability (article)  Gallagher, C; Cole, N; Savage, P; et al.
    11 July 2018A broadband stripline technique for characterizing relative permittivity and permeability (dataset)  Gallagher, Cameron Patrick; Cole, Nick; Savage, Peter P.; et al.
    31 May 2019Broadband, slow sound on a glide-symmetric meander-channel surface  Beadle, J; Hooper, I; Sambles, JR; et al.
    2008Brown dwarfs and very low mass stars in the Hyades cluster : a dynamically evolved mass function  Bouvier, Jerome; Kendall, T.R.; Meeus, G.; et al.
    2011Building a better future: An exploration of beliefs about climate change and perceived need for adaptation within the building industry  Morton, Thomas A.; Bretschneider, Pamela; Coley, David; et al.
    16 October 2022The burst mode of accretion in massive star formation with stellar inertia  Meyer, DM-A; Vorobyov, EI; Elbakyan, VG; et al.
    5 December 2019Calcification Microstructure Reflects Breast Tissue Microenvironment  Gosling, S; Scott, R; Greenwood, C; et al.
    12 October 2020Calcium-stannous oxide solid solutions for solar devices (article)  Taylor, NT; Galbiati, A; Saavedra, M; et al.
    28 September 2020Calcium-Stannous Oxide Solid Solutions for Solar Devices (dataset)  Taylor, N; Galbiati, A; Saavedra, M; et al.
    26 December 2018Calculating coherent light-wave propagation in large heterogeneous media  Vettenburg, T; Horsley, SAR; Bertolotti, J
    28 November 2022CAMEMBERT: A Mini-Neptunes General Circulation Model Intercomparison, Protocol Version 1.0.A CUISINES Model Intercomparison Project  Christie, DA; Lee, EKH; Innes, S; et al.
    2 December 2019Camera orientation, calibration and inverse perspective with uncertainties: A Bayesian method applied to area estimation from diverse photographs  Guillet, G; Guillet, T; Ravanel, L
    2 August 2006Can lasing at visible wavelengths be achieved using the low-loss long-range surface plasmon-polariton mode?  Winter, G.; Wedge, S.; Barnes, William L.
    11 January 2016Can non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics solve the magnetic braking catastrophe? (article)  Wurster, J; Price, DJ; Bate, Matthew R.