Now showing items 377-396 of 2456

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    14 February 2023Correction to: 3D modelling of the impact of stellar activity on tidally locked terrestrial exoplanets: atmospheric composition and habitability  Ridgway, RJ; Zamyatina, M; Mayne, NJ; et al.
    1 January 2014The correlation of dust and gas emission in star-forming environments  Morgan, LK; Moore, TJT; Eden, DJ; et al.
    19 June 2013Counting molecular-beam grown graphene layers  Plaut, Annette S.; Wurstbauer, Ulrich; Pinczuk, Aron; et al.
    19 March 2020Coupled edge modes supported by a microwave metasurface  de Pineda, JD; Hibbins, AP; Sambles, JR
    11 October 2019Coupled Scholte Modes in Plastic Plates Underwater  Staples, B; Hibbins, A; Sambles, J
    13 November 2019Coupled Scholte Modes in Plastic Plates Underwater  Staples, B; Hibbins, A; Sambles, J
    8 May 2019Coupled Scholte modes in soft solid plates  Staples, B; Hibbins, A; Sambles, J
    16 December 2019Coupled Scholte Modes in “Soft” Elastic Plates Underwater  Staples, B; Hibbins, A; Sambles, J
    11 June 2021Coupled Scholte modes supported by soft elastic plates in water  Staples, BM; Graham, TJ; Hibbins, AP; et al.
    31 October 2019Coupled Scholte modes supported by “soft” elastic plates underwater  Staples, B; Hibbins, A; Sambles, J
    28 July 2004Coupled surface plasmon polaritons on thin metal slabs corrugated on both surfaces  Hooper, Ian R.; Sambles, J. Roy
    8 July 2004Coupled surface plasmon-polariton mediated photoluminescence from a top-emitting organic light-emitting structure  Wedge, S.; Wasey, J. A. E.; Barnes, William L.; et al.
    5 March 2007Coupled surface plasmons and optical guided wave exploration of near-surface director profile  Yang, Fuzi; Ruan, Lizhen; Jewell, Sharon A.; et al.
    25 October 2007Coupled surface-plasmon-like modes between metamaterial  Hibbins, Alastair P.; Lockyear, Matthew J.; Sambles, J. Roy
    1 July 2020Coupling and confinement of current in thermoacoustic phased arrays  Tatnell, DM; Heath, MS; Hepplestone, SP; et al.
    28 July 2022Coupling function from bath density of states  Nemati, S; Henkel, C; Anders, J
    1 April 2016Coupling of dynamical micromagnetism and a stationary spin drift-diffusion equation: A step towards a fully self-consistent spintronics framework  Ruggeri, M; Abert, C; Hrkac, G; et al.
    25 February 2000The coupling of microwave radiation to surface plasmon polaritons and guided modes via dielectric gratings  Hibbins, Alastair P.; Sambles, J. Roy; Lawrence, Christopher R.
    1 May 2000Coupling of near-grazing microwave photons to surface plasmon polaritons via a dielectric grating  Hibbins, Alastair P.; Sambles, J. Roy; Lawrence, Christopher R.
    1 July 2011Coupling Plasmonic Metamaterials To Single-Quantum-Well Gain  Meinzer, Nina