Now showing items 427-446 of 2456

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    22 October 2013The dependence of stellar age distributions on giant molecular cloud environment  Dobbs, Clare; Pringle, J.E.; Naylor, Tim
    15 May 2018The dependence of stellar properties on initial cloud density  Jones, MO; Bate, M
    27 September 2015Derivation of quantum probabilities from deterministic evolution  Philbin, TG
    1 May 2018Design and fabrication of plasmonic cavities for magneto-optical sensing (article)  Loughran, THJ; Roth, J; Keatley, PS; et al.
    25 April 2018Design and fabrication of plasmonic cavities for magneto-optical sensing (dataset)  Loughran, THJ; Roth, J; Keatley, PS; et al.
    24 June 2011The design, construction and performance of the MICE scintillating fibre trackers  Ellis, M; Hobson, PR; Kyberd, P; et al.
    3 August 2017Designer surface plasmon dispersion on a one-dimensional periodic slot metasurface with glide symmetry (dataset)  Camacho, Miguel; Mitchell-Thomas, Rhiannon C.; Hibbins, Alastair P.; et al.
    1 September 2017Designer surface plasmon dispersion on a one-dimensional periodic slot metasurface with glide symmetry (journal article)  Camacho, M; Mitchell-Thomas, RC; Hibbins, AP; et al.
    16 September 2021Designing collective non-local responses of metasurfaces  Capers, JR; Boyes, SJ; Hibbins, AP; et al.
    26 January 2018Designing disorder  Bertolotti, J
    24 November 2022Designing disordered multi-functional metamaterials using the discrete dipole approximation  Capers, JR; Boyes, SJ; Hibbins, AP; et al.
    15 May 2018Designing scattering-free isotropic index profiles using phase-amplitude equations  King, C; Horsley, S; Philbin, TG
    9 September 2021Designing the Collective Non-local Responses of Metasurfaces (dataset)  Capers, J; Boyes, S; Hibbins, A; et al.
    20 September 2022A detailed analysis of the Gl 486 planetary system  Caballero, JA; González-Álvarez, E; Brady, M; et al.
    29 May 2006Detailed optical study of the transparent wing membranes of the dragonfly Aeshna cyanea  Hooper, Ian R.; Vukusic, Peter; Wootton, R. J.
    15 October 2021Detecting life outside our solar system with a large high-contrast-imaging mission (article)  Snellen, IAG; Snik, F; Kenworthy, M; et al.
    5 August 2019Detecting life outside our solar system with a large high-contrast-imaging mission (white paper)  Snellen, I; Albrecht, S; Anglada-Escude, G; et al.
    21 March 2003Detecting planetary transits in the presence of stellar variability. Optimal filtering and the use of colour information  Carpano, S.; Aigrain, Suzanne; Favata, F.
    5 March 2015Detecting polymeric nanoparticles with coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering microscopy in tissues exhibiting fixative-induced autofluorescence  Garrett, NL; Godfrey, L; Lalatsa, A; et al.
    2 February 2016Detecting stellar-wind bubbles through infrared arcs in HII regions  Mackey, J; Haworth, Thomas; Gvaramadze, VV; et al.