Now showing items 10-29 of 2456

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    28 October 20223D modelling of the impact of stellar activity on tidally locked terrestrial exoplanets: atmospheric composition and habitability (article)  Ridgway, RJ; Zamyatina, M; Mayne, NJ; et al.
    11 October 20223D modelling of the impact of stellar activity on tidally-locked terrestrial exoplanets: atmospheric composition and habitability (dataset)  Ridgway, R; Zamyatina, M; Mayne, N; et al.
    2 December 20223D printing materials and techniques for antennas and metamaterials: A survey of the latest advances  Whittaker, T; Zhang, S; Powell, A; et al.
    27 April 20223D radiative-transfer for exoplanet atmospheres. gCMCRT: a GPU accelerated MCRT code  Lee, EKH; Wardenier, JP; Prinoth, B; et al.
    20 October 20233D simulations of the Archean Earth including photochemical haze profiles  Mak, MT; Mayne, NJ; Sergeev, DE; et al.
    22 March 20243D simulations of TRAPPIST-1e with varying CO2, CH4 and haze profiles  Mak, MT; Sergeev, D; Mayne, N; et al.
    7 December 2018The 3D thermal, dynamical and chemical structure of the atmosphere of HD 189733b: implications of wind-driven chemistry for the emission phase curve (article)  Drummond, B; Mayne, NJ; Manners, J; et al.
    9 November 2018The 3D thermal, dynamical and chemical structure of the atmosphere of HD 189733b: implications of wind-driven chemistry for the emission phase curve (dataset)  Drummond, Benjamin; Mayne, Nathan; Manners, James; et al.
    26 July 20174-dimensional functional profiling in the convulsant-treated larval zebrafish brain  Winter, MJ; Windell, D; Metz, J; et al.
    31 May 20114D super-resolution microscopy with conventional fluorophores and single wavelength excitation in optically thick cells and tissues  Baddeley, D; Crossman, D; Rossberger, S; et al.
    17 January 2019Ab initio based equation of state of dense water for planetary and exoplanetary modeling  Mazevet, S; Licari, A; Chabrier, G; et al.
    21 December 2015Ab initio calculations of surface phonons of the hydrogen-terminated Si(110)-(1 × 1) surface  Tütüncü, HM; Karaca, E; Srivastava, GP
    23 June 2022Ab initio derivation of flavin hyperfine interactions for the protein magnetosensor cryptochrome.  Deviers, J; Cailliez, F; Gutiérrez, BZ; et al.
    20 August 2015Ab initio investigation of BCS-type superconductivity in LuNi2 B2 C -type superconductors  Tütüncü, HM; Uzunok, HY; Karaca, E; et al.
    5 December 2018Ab initio investigation of electron-phonon interaction in LaSn3 and CaSn3  Uzunok, HY; Tütüncü, HM; Karaca, E; et al.
    4 January 2019Ab initio investigation of spin orbit coupling effect on the physical properties of IrGe superconductor  Tütüncü, HM; Uzunok, HY; Karaca, E; et al.
    15 July 2016Ab initio investigation of superconductivity in orthorhombic MgPtSi  Tütüncü, HM; Karaca, E; Srivastava, GP
    1 January 2018Ab-initio study of electronic properties of a two-dimensional array of carbon nanotubes  Senkevich, NY; Polozkov, RG; Morina, S; et al.
    29 August 2022ABORAS: polarimetric, 10cm/s RV observations of the Sun as a star  Jentink, CF; Mortier, A; Snik, F; et al.
    10 August 2017Absence of Anderson localization in certain random lattices  Choi, W; Yin, C; Hooper, IR; et al.