Now showing items 113-132 of 741

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    14 November 2017Cognitively and socially induced stress affects postural control  Doumas, M; Morsanyi, K; Young, WR
    15 February 2016Commentaries on viewpoint: a call for research to assess and promote functional resilience in astronaut crews  Etheridge, T; Szewczyk, N
    15 February 2017Community-based Rehabilitation Training after stroke: Results of a pilot randomised controlled trial (ReTrain) investigating acceptability and feasibility  Dean, S; Poltawski, L; Forster, A; et al.
    1 January 2015Comparability of measured acceleration from accelerometry-based activity monitors  Rowlands, AV; Fraysse, F; Catt, M; et al.
    28 January 2022A comparison of the associations between bone health and three different intensities of accelerometer-derived habitual physical activity in children and adolescents: a systematic review  Brailey, G; Metcalf, B; Lear, R; et al.
    23 September 2019Comparisons of laboratory‐based methods to calculate jump height and improvements to the field‐based flight‐time method  Wade, L; Lichtwark, GA; Farris, DJ
    25 September 2015A conditional process model of the effect of mindfulness on 800m personal best times through pain catastrophizing  Jones, Martin I.; Parker, John K.
    9 February 2017Confirming the Value of Adolescent Swimming Performance Models  Dormehl, SJ; Robertson, SJ; Barker, AR; et al.
    25 April 2018Conscious motor control impairs attentional processing efficiency during precision stepping  Ellmers, TJ; Young, WR
    13 May 2014Conscious motor processing and movement self-consciousness: two dimensions of personality that influence laparoscopic training.  Malhotra, N; Poolton, JM; Wilson, MR; et al.
    6 August 2020Conscious movement processing, fall-related anxiety, and the visuomotor control of locomotion in older adults  Ellmers, TJ; Cocks, AJ; Kal, EC; et al.
    3 November 2020Consciously processing balance leads to distorted perceptions of instability in older adults  Ellmers, TJ; Kal, EC; Young, WR
    25 June 2016Consequences of Late-Stage Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Cachexia on Muscle Metabolic Processes.  Murton, AJ; Maddocks, M; Stephens, FB; et al.
    1 May 2007Construct validity of the social support survey in sport  Rees, T; Hardy, L; Evans, Lynne
    8 August 2019Container size exerts a stronger influence than liquid volume on the perceived weight of objects  Saccone, EJ; Goldsmith, RM; Buckingham, G; et al.
    6 September 2022Continuous thermoregulatory responses to a mass-participation 89-km ultramarathon road race  Byrne, C; Cosnefroy, A; Eston, R; et al.
    29 May 2019Contralateral fatigue during severe-intensity single-leg exercise: influence of acute acetaminophen ingestion.  Morgan, PT; Bailey, SJ; Banks, RA; et al.
    15 December 2017Coordination in gait: Demonstration of a spectral approach  Williams, GKR; Vicinanza, D
    27 June 2016The Copenhagen Consensus Conference 2016: children, youth, and physical activity in schools and during leisure time  Bangsbo, J; Krustrup, P; Duda, J; et al.
    5 August 2017Correlates of children's independent outdoor play: Cross-sectional analyses from the Millennium Cohort Study  Aggio, D; Gardner, B; Roberts, J; et al.