Now showing items 21-34 of 34

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    13 April 2023What’s really down the hospital plughole?  Butler, J; Upton, M
    27 June 2024When routines fail: The role of behavioral sequences in the generation of slips-of-action (dataset)  Dodds, C
    27 April 2023When social movements fail or succeed: social psychological consequences of a collective action’s outcome  Carvacho, H; González, R; Cheyre, M; et al.
    13 December 2023Which indices of cardiorespiratory fitness are more strongly associated with brain health in children with overweight/obesity?  Haapala, EA; Lubans, DR; Jaakkola, T; et al.
    14 March 2022White Paper: Open Digital Health - accelerating transparent and scalable health promotion and treatment  Kwasnicka, D; Keller, J; Perski, O; et al.
    11 January 2024Who cares about the carers? A call to action on behalf of mothers of disabled children  Pearson, A
    24 July 2022Wholescape assessment of Water Quality status, drivers and impacts in the Exe Estuary Catchment and implications for ecosystem health and services including Shellfish Aquaculture  Brown, AR; Carless, D; Jackson, B; et al.
    23 May 2024Why do children under 5 years go to the GP in Lambeth: a cross-sectional study  Craven, EM; Luck, G; Whitney, D; et al.
    23 September 2022Why do so few people with heart failure receive cardiac rehabilitation?  Thomson, DR; Ski, CF; Clark, AM; et al.
    23 June 2023Wing condition does not negatively impact time budget, enclosure usage, or social bonds in a flock of both full-winged and flight-restrained greater flamingos  George, AJ; Rose, PE
    29 November 2022Within-individual changes reveal increasing social selectivity with age in rhesus macaques  Siracusa, ER; Negron-Del Valle, JE; Phillips, D; et al.
    20 January 2023Workload and workflow implications associated with the use of electronic clinical decision support tools used by health professionals in general practice: a scoping review  Fletcher, E; Burns, A; Wiering, B; et al.
    19 May 2023Workplace support for newly qualified doctors and secondary school teachers: A comparative analysis  Foster‐Collins, H; Mattick, K; Baumfield, V
    14 October 2022World Health Organization (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Set Development for Interstitial Lung Disease  Saketkoo, LA; Escorpizo, R; Varga, J; et al.