Now showing items 3799-3818 of 38611

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    9 December 2020Can Inulin-Enriched Cereal Products Improve Mucosal Immunity In Athletes?  Torquati, L; Jackman, SR; Bowtell, JL
    1 January 2016Can it be you that I hear?  Macpherson, B; Thomaidis, K
    2 August 2006Can lasing at visible wavelengths be achieved using the low-loss long-range surface plasmon-polariton mode?  Winter, G.; Wedge, S.; Barnes, William L.
    21 March 2022Can McGilchrist's Neuro-Cortical Hemisphere Hypothesis offer a Naturalistic Account of Heidegger's Critique of the Technological Way of Being?  Mason, D
    21 April 2018Can multilayer networks advance animal behavior research?  Silk, MJ; Finn, KR; Porter, MA; et al.
    10 June 2015Can municipality-based post-discharge follow-up visits including a general practitioner reduce early readmission among the fragile elderly (65+ years old)? A randomized controlled trial  Thygesen, LC; Fokdal, S; Gjørup, T; et al.
    11 January 2016Can non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics solve the magnetic braking catastrophe? (article)  Wurster, J; Price, DJ; Bate, Matthew R.
    31 December 2015Can non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics solve the magnetic braking catastrophe? (dataset)  Wurster, James; Bate, Matthew; Price, Daniel J
    1 October 2012Can open science be a space for public engagement with science?  Grand, Ann
    1 July 2020Can partisans be pluralist? A comparative study of party member discourse in France and Hungary  Herman, L
    1 February 2015Can paternal leakage maintain sexually antagonistic polymorphism in the cytoplasm?  Kuijper, B; Lane, N; Pomiankowski, A
    10 July 2014Can patterns of chromosome inversions in Drosophila pseudoobscura predict polyandry across a geographical cline?  Herrera, P; Taylor, Michelle Louise; Skeats, A; et al.
    22 April 2021Can person-centred care for people living with dementia be delivered in the acute care setting?  Abbott, RA; Cheeseman, D; Hemsley, A; et al.
    6 October 2023Can personalized digital counseling improve consumer search for modern contraceptive methods?  Athey, S; Bergstrom, K; Hadad, V; et al.
    4 December 2018Can Practitioners use Patient Reported Measures to Enhance Person Centred Coordinated Care in Practice? A qualitative study  Wheat, HC; Horrell, J; Valderas, J; et al.
    20 December 2012Can preschool protect young children’s cognitive and social development? Variation by center quality and duration of attendance  Hall, J; Sylva, K; Sammons, P; et al.
    25 April 2018Can reducing black carbon and methane below RCP2.6 levels keep global warming below 1.5C?  Jones, A; Haywood, JM; Jones, C
    19 March 2024Can routine assessment of older people's mental health lead to improved outcomes: A regression discontinuity analysis  Baird, K; Byrne, A; Cockayne, S; et al.
    4 July 2024Can Schroth Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis-Specific Exercise offered on the National Health Service, halt curve progression Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis?  Neale, L; Wood, L; Dunstan, E
    29 May 2015Can Secondary School Architecture Build Community, Encourage Working Successfully and Enhance Well-Being? Student and Staff Evaluations.  Sheehan, Daniel