Now showing items 5934-5953 of 38611

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    6 July 2021Compound precipitation and wind extremes over Europe and their relationship to extratropical cyclones  Owen, LE; Catto, JL; Stephenson, DB; et al.
    8 August 2022Compound Precipitation and Wind Extremes over Europe and their relationship to Extratropical Cyclones  Owen, L
    17 April 2024Compound wind and rainfall extremes: Drivers and future changes over the UK and Ireland  Manning, C; Kendon, EJ; Fowler, HJ; et al.
    28 October 2023Compounding Heatwave‐Extreme Rainfall Events Driven by Fronts, High Moisture, and Atmospheric Instability  Sauter, C; Catto, JL; Fowler, HJ; et al.
    19 September 2016Compounds that select against the tetracycline-resistance efflux pump  Stone, LK; Baym, M; Lieberman, TD; et al.
    3 November 2023Comprehensive analysis of alternative splicing across multiple transcriptomic cohorts reveals prognostic signatures in prostate cancer  Mou, Z; Spencer, J; McGrath, JS; et al.
    23 July 2010A Comprehensive Analysis of Policy Diffusion: Regulatory Impact Analysis in EU and OECD Member States  De Francesco, Fabrizio
    27 July 2017A comprehensive approach to reablement in dementia  Poulos, CJ; Bayer, A; Beaupre, L; et al.
    27 January 2014A comprehensive assessment of the applicability of available and proposed offshore mooring and foundation technologies and design tools for array applications  Weller, S; Hardwick, J; Johanning, L; et al.
    17 August 2021A comprehensive comparative analysis of deep learning tools for modeling failures in smart water taps  Offiong, NM; Wu, Y; Muniandy, D; et al.
    1 December 2011A Comprehensive Conventional Weapons Convention: Military Expenditure, Conflict, Democracy, and Development Nexus  Alloush, Ayman
    9 January 2024Comprehensive evaluation of smoking exposures and their interactions on DNA methylation  Hoang, TT; Lee, Y; McCartney, DL; et al.
    11 September 2019A Comprehensive Measure of Attitudes and Behaviour: Development of the Support for Gender Equality among Men Scale (article)  Sudkaemper, A; Ryan, M; Kirby, T; et al.
    10 September 2019A Comprehensive Measure of Attitudes and Behaviour: Development of the Support for Gender Equality among Men Scale - Pilot Study 1  Sudkaemper, A; Ryan, M; Kirby, T; et al.
    10 September 2019A Comprehensive Measure of Attitudes and Behaviour: Development of the Support for Gender Equality among Men Scale - Study 1  Sudkaemper, A; Ryan, M; Kirby, T; et al.
    10 September 2019A Comprehensive Measure of Attitudes and Behaviour: Development of the Support for Gender Equality among Men Scale - Study 2  Sudkaemper, A; Ryan, M; Kirby, T; et al.
    10 September 2019A Comprehensive Measure of Attitudes and Behaviour: Development of the Support for Gender Equality among Men Scale - Study 3  Sudkaemper, A; Ryan, M; Kirby, T; et al.
    10 September 2019A Comprehensive Measure of Attitudes and Behaviour: Development of the Support for Gender Equality among Men Scale - Study 4  Sudkaemper, A; Ryan, M; Kirby, T; et al.
    5 December 2018A Comprehensive Model of Factors Associated with Capability to "live Well" for Family Caregivers of People Living with Mild-to-Moderate Dementia: Findings from the IDEAL Study  Clare, L; Wu, YT; Quinn, C; et al.
    5 December 2018A comprehensive model of factors associated with subjective perceptions of "living well" with dementia: findings from the IDEAL study  Clare, L; Wu, Y-T; Quinn, C; et al.