Now showing items 41-60 of 1278

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    5 April 2007Fact and Value  Dupré, John
    29 August 2015Factors affecting Acheulean handaxe variation: Experimental insights, microevolutionary processes, and macroevolutionary outcomes  Lycett, SJ; Schillinger, K; Eren, MI; et al.
    17 May 2013Factors affecting patients' trust and confidence in GPs: evidence from the English national GP patient survey.  Croker, JE; Swancutt, DR; Roberts, MJ; et al.
    18 October 2023Factors affecting the extraction of (poly)phenols from natural resources using deep eutectic solvents combined with ultrasound-assisted extraction  Siddiqui, SA; Ali Redha, A; Salauddin, M; et al.
    5 December 2022Factors affecting the market dynamics of lithium-ion battery for electric mobility: a system dynamics perspective  Bhanu, P; Mohan, TVK; Amit, RK; et al.
    28 September 2011Factors Affecting the Motivation of Expatriate English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Teachers in the Sultanate of Oman  Zafar Khan, Sarah
    11 January 2021Factors affecting the social transmission of novel behaviours: from the individual to the group  Laker, P
    22 March 2023Factors affecting the support for physical activity in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a national survey of health care professionals' perceptions  Cockcroft, EJ; Wooding, EL; Narendran, P; et al.
    28 March 2022Factors affecting the UK junior doctor workforce retention crisis: an integrative review.  Lock, FK; Carrieri, D
    1 September 2014Factors associated time to diagnosis and stage at diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a prospective cohort study  Walter, FM; Emery, J; Morris, H; et al.
    2 July 2019Factors associated with depression in people with inflammatory bowel disease: the relationship between active disease and biases in neurocognitive processing  Wilkinson, B; Trick, L; Knight, A; et al.
    17 April 2020Factors Associated with Objectively Assessed Physical Activity Levels of Heart Failure Patients  Dibben, GO; Hillsdon, M; Dalal, HM; et al.
    9 February 2020Factors associated with self- and informant ratings of quality of life, well-being and life satisfaction in people with mild-to-moderate dementia: results from the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life programme  Wu, Y-T; Nelis, SM; Quinn, C; et al.
    27 October 2016Factors associated with study attrition in a pilot randomised controlled trial to explore the role of exercise-assisted reduction to stop (EARS) smoking in disadvantaged groups.  Thompson, TP; Greaves, CJ; Ayres, R; et al.
    1 September 2014Factors associated with time to diagnosis and stage at diagnosis of lung cancer: a prospective cohort study  Walter, FM; Rubin, G; Morris, HC; et al.
    27 October 2011Factors associated with variability in the assessment of UK doctors' professionalism: analysis of survey results  Campbell, John; Roberts, Martin; Wright, C; et al.
    8 June 2023Factors Determining the Susceptibility of Fish to Effects of Human Pharmaceuticals  Matthee, C; Brown, AR; Lange, A; et al.
    15 November 2013Factors influencing clinical trial site selection in Europe: the Survey of Attitudes towards Trial sites in Europe (the SAT-EU Study).  Gehring, M; Taylor, RS; Mellody, M; et al.
    11 January 2017Factors influencing dietary nitrate metabolism in humans  Cocksedge, Stuart
    17 March 2020Factors influencing digital review of pathology test results in an inpatient setting: a cross-sectional study  Challen, R; Tsaneva-Atanasova, K; Edwards, T; et al.