Now showing items 297-316 of 2456

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    26 February 2016Coherence and measurement in quantum thermodynamics  Anders, Janet
    20 November 2019Coherent ac spin current transmission across an antiferromagnetic CoO insulator  Li, Q; Yang, M; Klewe, C; et al.
    10 September 2020Coherent control of light through laser written photonic lanterns  Li, S; McNicholl, DK; Whyte, G; et al.
    25 February 2019Coherent fluctuation relations: from the abstract to the concrete  Holmes, Z; Weidt, S; Jennings, D; et al.
    15 September 2023Coherent multipolar amplification of chiroptical scattering and absorption from a magnetoelectric nanoparticle  Wu, H-Y; Vollmer, F
    26 August 2010Coherent nonlinear optical response of graphene  Hendry, Euan; Hale, Peter J.; Moger, Julian; et al.
    7 November 2008Coherent particle transfer in an on-demand single-electron source  Keeling, J.; Shytov, A.V.; Levitov, L.S.
    30 January 2015Coherent phonon modes of crystalline and amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films: A fingerprint of structure and bonding  Shalini, Ashawaraya; Liu, Y.; Katmis, F.; et al.
    26 April 2020Coherent transfer of spin angular momentum by evanescent spin waves within antiferromagnetic NiO  Dąbrowski, M; Nakano, T; Burn, DM; et al.
    1 July 2008Collagen fiber arrangement in normal and diseased cartilage studied by polarization sensitive nonlinear microscopy  Mansfield, Jessica; Winlove, C. Peter; Moger, Julian; et al.
    18 December 2018Collagen reorganization in cartilage under strain probed by polarization sensitive Second Harmonic Generation microscopy (dataset)  Mansfield, Jessica; Mandalia, Vipul; Toms, Andrew; et al.
    5 January 2018The collapse of a molecular cloud core to stellar densities using radiation non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics (article)  Wurster, JH; Bate, MR; Price, DJ
    19 April 2018The collapse of a molecular cloud core to stellar densities using radiation non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics (dataset)  Wurster, James; Bate, Matthew; Price, Daniel J
    7 November 2013Collapse of a molecular cloud core to stellar densities: stellar-core and outflow formation in radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations (article)  Bate, Matthew R.; Tricco, Terrence S.; Price, Daniel J.
    10 October 2013Collapse of a molecular cloud core to stellar densities: stellar-core and outflow formation in radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations (dataset)  Bate, Matthew R.; Tricco, Terrence S.; Price, Daniel J.
    20 October 2021The collective effect of finite-sized inhomogeneities on the spatial spread of populations in two dimensions  Möbius, W; Tesser, F; Alards, KMJ; et al.
    30 September 2008Collective resonances in gold nanoparticle arrays  Auguié, Baptiste; Barnes, William L.
    9 October 2000Combined X-Ray and Fully Leaky Guided Mode Studies of the Smectic Layer and Optic Tensor Configuration in a Ferroelectric Liquid-Crystal Cell  Hodder, B.; Sambles, J. Roy; Jenkins, S.; et al.
    21 May 2015Combining radiative transfer and diffuse interstellar medium physics to model star formation (article)  Bate, Matthew R.; Keto, Eric R.
    23 April 2015Combining radiative transfer and diffuse interstellar medium physics to model star formation (dataset)  Bate, Matthew R.; Keto, Eric R.