Now showing items 636-655 of 2456

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    11 March 2007Empirical isochrones and relative ages for young stars, and the radiative-convective gap  Mayne, N.J.; Naylor, Tim; Littlefair, SP; et al.
    14 February 2011The end of star formation in Chamaeleon I?: A LABOCA census of starless and protostellar cores  Belloche, A.; Schuller, F.; Parise, B.; et al.
    19 May 2020Energetic footprints of irreversibility in the quantum regime  Mohammady, MH; Auffèves, A; Anders, J
    31 October 2019Energy dispersive spectroscopic measurement of charge traps in MoTe2  Townsend, N; Amit, I; Paschal, V; et al.
    18 May 2015Energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction using an annular beam  Dicken, AJ; Evans, JP; Rogers, KD; et al.
    7 June 2018Energy-efficient quantum frequency estimation  Liuzzo-Scorpo, P; Correa, LA; Pollock, FA; et al.
    6 June 2018Energy-temperature uncertainty relation in quantum thermodynamics  Miller, H; Anders, J
    16 December 2022Engineering the carrier lifetime and switching speed in Si-based mm-wave photomodulators (article)  Hooper, IR; Khorani, E; Romain, X; et al.
    2 December 2022Engineering the carrier lifetime and switching speed in Si-based mm-wave photomodulators (dataset)  Hooper, IR; Khorani, E; Romain, X; et al.
    10 December 2018Enhanced deep detection of Raman scattered light by wavefront shaping  Paniagua-Diaz, AM; Ghita, A; Vettenburg, T; et al.
    10 December 2018Enhanced deep detection of Raman scattered light by wavefront shaping  Paniagua-Diaz, AM; Ghita, A; Vettenburg, T; et al.
    27 May 2020Enhanced Energy Transfer to an Optomechanical Piston from Indistinguishable Photons  Holmes, Z; Anders, J; Mintert, F
    23 May 2024Enhanced entanglement in multi-bath spin-boson models  Hogg, CR; Cerisola, F; Cresser, JD; et al.
    31 May 2007Enhanced microwave transmission through a patterned metal film  Kelly, Robert J.; Lockyear, Matthew J.; Suckling, James R.; et al.
    30 August 2016Enhanced spectral histology in the colon using high-magnification benchtop FTIR imaging  Nallala, J; Rhys Lloyd, G; Hermes, M; et al.
    4 December 2017Enhancement of low-temperature thermometry by strong coupling  Correa, LA; Perarnau-Llobet, M; Hovhannisyan, KV; et al.
    19 February 2018Enhancing the magneto-optical Kerr effect through the use of a plasmonic antenna (article)  Loughran, THJ; Keatley, PS; Hendry, E; et al.
    7 February 2018Enhancing the magneto-optical Kerr effect through the use of a plasmonic antenna (dataset)  Loughran, THJ; Keatley, PS; Hendry, E; et al.
    5 August 2015Ensemble strong coupling  Barnes, William L.
    29 March 2020Entanglement distance for arbitrary M -qudit hybrid systems  Cocchiarella, D; Scali, S; Ribisi, S; et al.