Now showing items 664-683 of 2456

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    14 March 2019Erratum: A library of ATMO forward model transmission spectra for hot Jupiter exoplanets  Goyal, J; Mayne, N; Sing, D; et al.
    19 December 2014Erratum: Bright-white beetle scales optimise multiple scattering of light  Burresi, M; Cortese, L; Pattelli, L; et al.
    15 November 2016Erratum: Collapse of a molecular cloud core to stellar densities: stellar core and outflow formation in radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulations  Bate, Matthew R.; Tricco, Terrence S.; Price, Daniel J.
    14 November 2016Erratum: Collapse of a molecular cloud core to stellar densities: Stellar core and outflow formation in radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulations [MNRAS, 465, (2017) (2714-2716)] DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stt1865  Bate, MR; Tricco, TS; Price, DJ
    26 October 2010Erratum: Ks-Band Detection of Thermal Emission and Color Constraints to CoRoT-1b: A Low-Albedo Planet with Inefficient Atmospheric Energy Redistribution and a Temperature Inversion  Rogers, Justin C.; Apai, Daniel; Lopez-Morales, M.; et al.
    10 November 2017Erratum: Optical selection rules of zigzag graphene nanoribbons [Phys. Rev. B 95, 155438 (2017)]  Saroka, VA; Shuba, MV; Portnoi, ME
    15 January 2019Erratum: The mass-dependence of angular momentum evolution in sun-like stars (Astrophysical Journal Letters (2015)799 (L23) DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/799/2/L23)  Matt, SP; Brun, AS; Baraffe, I; et al.
    16 September 2011Erratum: The upper atmosphere of the exoplanet HD209458b revealed by the sodium D lines: temperature-pressure profile, ionization layer and thermosphere (Corrigendum)  Vidal-Madjar, A.; Huitson, Catherine M.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; et al.
    3 January 2017Erratum: Towards graded-index magnonics: Steering spin waves in magnonic networks [Phys. Rev. B 92, 020408(R) (2015)]  Davies, CS; Francis, A; Sadovnikov, AV; et al.
    20 May 2020Erratum: “Controlling acoustic waves using magnetoelastic Fano resonances” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 082403 (2019)]  Latcham, OS; Gusieva, YI; Shytov, AV; et al.
    25 August 2014Erratum: “Time resolved scanning Kerr microscopy of hard disk writer structures with a multilayered yoke” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 162407 (2013)]  Yu, W; Gangmei, P; Keatley, PS; et al.
    22 February 2022Erratum: “Toward efficient and tailorable mid-infrared emitters utilizing multilayer graphene” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 051105 (2022)]  Gowda, P; Patient, DA; Horsley, SAR; et al.
    28 October 2021Establishing α Oph as a Prototype Rotator: Precision Orbit with new Keck, CHARA, and RV Observations  Gardner, T; Monnier, JD; Fekel, FC; et al.
    8 October 2021Estimating Magnetic Filling Factors from Simultaneous Spectroscopy and Photometry: Disentangling Spots, Plage, and Network  Milbourne, TW; Phillips, DF; Langellier, N; et al.
    9 May 2019Estimating magnetic filling factors from Zeeman-Doppler magnetograms  See, V; Matt, SP; Folsom, CP; et al.
    11 February 2021Estimating the Reduced Scattering Coefficient of Turbid Media Using Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy  Mosca, S; Dey, P; Salimi, M; et al.
    6 October 2017Estimation of in vivo inter-vertebral loading during motion using fluoroscopic and magnetic resonance image informed finite element models  Zanjani-Pour, S; Meakin, JR; Breen, A; et al.
    26 May 2010Estimation of the urban heat island for UK climate change projections  Kershaw, Tristan; Sanderson, M.; Coley, David; et al.
    17 August 2016Evaluation and comparison of 3D intervertebral disc localization and segmentation methods for 3D T2 MR data: A grand challenge  Zheng, G; Chu, C; Belavý, DL; et al.
    1 January 2015Evaluation of a patient-specific finite-element model to simulate conservative treatment in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis  Vergari, C; Ribes, G; Aubert, B; et al.