Now showing items 788-807 of 2417

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 August 2016Fluid Mobility over Corrugated Surfaces in the Stokes Regime  Shelley, S; Smith, JD; Hibbins, AP; et al.
    12 July 2016Fluid Mobility over Corrugated Surfaces in the Stokes Regime - datasets  Shelley, S; Smith, JD; Hibbins, AP; et al.
    31 October 2018Fluidity onset in graphene  Bandurin, DA; Shytov, AV; Levitov, LS; et al.
    28 October 2008Fluorescence enhancement through modified dye molecule absorption associated with the localized surface plasmon resonances of metallic dimers  Zoriniants, George; Barnes, William L.
    20 July 2001Fluorescent dyes as a probe for the localized field of coupled surface plasmon-related resonances  Kreiter, M.; Neumann, T.; Mittler, S.; et al.
    31 October 2019An fMRI study of response and semantic conflict in the Stroop task  Parris, BA; Wadsley, MG; Hasshim, N; et al.
    6 January 2017Focus on quantum thermodynamics  Anders, J; Esposito, M
    26 November 2021The formation and early evolution of embedded star clusters in spiral galaxies  Rieder, S; Dobbs, C; Liow, K; et al.
    23 October 2021The formation of massive stellar clusters in converging galactic flows with photoionisation  Dobbs, CL; Bending, TJR; Pettitt, AR; et al.
    2 February 2017Formation of the band spectrum of spin waves in 1D magnonic crystals with different types of interfacial boundary conditions  Kruglyak, VV; Davies, CS; Tkachenko, VS; et al.
    24 April 2020The formation of young massive clusters by colliding flows  Dobbs, CL; Liow, KY; Rieder, S
    6 April 2009Franck-Condon blockade in suspended carbon nanotube quantum dots  Leturcq, Renaud; Stampfer, Christoph; Inderbitzin, Kevin; et al.
    9 July 2019Freely Flowing Currents and Electric Field Expulsion in Viscous Electronics  Shavit, M; Shytov, A; Falkovich, G
    1 February 2015The frequency and nature of 'cloud-cloud collisions' in galaxies  Dobbs, Clare; Pringle, J.E.; Duarte-Cabral, A.
    28 June 2019Frequency dependence of surface acoustic wave swimming.  Pouya, C; Hoggard, K; Gossage, SH; et al.
    31 January 2023Frequency-selective spin-wave propagation in magnonic waveguide with a local laser-heated region  Gubanov, VA; Kruglyak, VV; Sheshukova, SE; et al.
    14 August 2008The fresnel interferometric imager  Koechlin, Laurent; Serre, Denis; Deba, Paul; et al.
    20 February 2015Friends of hot Jupiters. II. No correspondence between hot-Jupiter spin-orbit misalignment and the incidence of directly imaged stellar companions  Ngo, H; Knutson, HA; Hinkley, S; et al.
    14 November 2018From colloidal CdSe quantum dots to microscale optically anisotropic supercrystals through bottom-up self-assembly  Ushakova, E; Cherevkov, S; Volgina, D-O; et al.
    18 August 2015From single-shot towards general work extraction in a quantum thermodynamic framework  Gemmer, Jochen; Anders, Janet